@Bruins de Boston

Ce commerce était nul

Les Bruins de Boston ont fait un gros échange juste avant le match 7, en échangeant le gardien Linus Ullmark, et nous l’avons presque oublié dans la lueur qui suivit de voir les Panthers soulever la coupe ! Cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. I have no idea what Boston did there.
    Korpisalo alone should cost the 1st rounder (a better 2nd rounder it is in fact on 25) to remove. Even at 3m, that`s just not a good contract, especially for a team that is tight with the cap. Coming out of a 89 SV% seasons with almost 3,3 gaa, even 3m for 4x more years is a lot of money.
    Bruins have been a good place for goalies while Ottawa has been the exact opposite, so it might even work out.

    But if you look at actual value, a team like Toronto should have paid their 1st without taking a bad contract back. I don`t think Korpisalo has any value, 3m is still a lot for a backup.
    Ullmark was still the best goalie available, and he`s been a beast the season before.

  2. I mean… I don't wanna get too excited for the Sens considering the vast majority of people thought they'd be a playoff team this year and we all know how that went… Adding a legit Tender is always a big step though, so who knows.

  3. he has a year left on his contract and the bruins are not going to resign him, because they can't afford to and they are clearly going with Swayman who started every playoff game. so in a year's time he was going to be worth zero to the bruins – If you don't believe me, look up what the flames got for Gaurdreau. getting cap space and a first rounder and a backup for Sway was about as good as they could do. asking, what are they going to do if something happens to Swayman is kind of dumb. you clearly haven't looked around the NHL because no team has a Vezina trophy winning goalie who is still in the peak of their career as a back up.

  4. Ullmark will do bad on Ottawa and Korpisalo will improve. I'd bet on it. Bostons goalie coach is magic

  5. I don't know what to say- Ulmark is a backup goalie- always was- managed to win a Vezina during a season any goalie could have won it. By game 7 Ulmark was on bench. Last playoff- where was Ulmark- on the bench. Fantastic trade for Boston. Ulmark likely backup by 2026 at the latest. This trade was ass? YEAH- For Ottawa they gave up a good backup and a first round pick!

  6. The goalie market is brutal. Nobody is willing to trade the house for a goaltender. And then there’s the no trade clause to factor in. That limits the market and potential offers. At the end of the day, they needed to get something for the guy, and they’ve been trying for a while. You can only play one guy a night, and can’t be dumping a huge part of the salary on two starting goaltenders. The is issue here is that they didn’t do enough to clear salary cap space in the trade to address the OBVIOUS lack of talent/depth up the center of the ice. They better hope they make that #25 pick worth it, whether by trade or (for once) a good draft choice. That’s my say as a Bruins fan. Feel free to trash my opinion😂

  7. Unless Ottawa makes some great trades this off-season to improve their forwards and defense, then it'll be the same story as last season with Korpisalo. Ullmark's going to get handed the blame for the teams poor season. Ottawa just isn't a good team and lack depth at the moment.

  8. Here's my understanding of the trade details:
    – Ullmark is scheduled to make $5m this year with a $1m bonus given to him on July 1st so the Sens effectively pay him $6m
    – The Sens retain $1m per season of Korpi's contract. Thus, what's left on Korpi's contract is 4 x $1m = $4m that the Sens have to pay.
    – All in all, if Ullmark walks, then the Sens payout $10m instead of $16m to Korpi (over the length of Korpi's contract) thus saving $6m. Plus the Sens give up a 25th overall pick. According to Steve Dangle that 25th pick is more like a glorified 2nd rounder rather than an elite 1st round pick (based on how the prospects tier out). Of course, the Bruins also get Kastelic, a solid 25 year old 4th liner.

    My verdict:
    As a Sens fan, I'm happy with what Steve Staios achieved. It almost seems like we paid Boston the draft pick to save $6m (presuming the worst case scenario where Ullmark walks). Boston also did a solid for Ottawa by freeing the Sens of the obligation to keep Korpi on the roster. With Korpi on the roster Ottawa would have been forced to utilize him during these prima and valuable years of having Brady, Stutzle, Batherson,, Sanderson (and so forth). And with Korpi on the roster the Sens will have had very little chance of making the playoffs.

    What about Boston?
    I think Boston also did alright. Had they kept Ullmark for the year, they would have had no trade returns possible (given Ullmark's expiring contract). Also, having two #1 starters in net makes no sense from a cap management point of view. So why not ditch one of the starters and just get a cheaper backup instead? In the end, that's what Boston did and I believe Korpi will play better in front of Boston's superior team D (compared to Ottawa's). What else? Could Boston have gotten more in the Ullmark trade? Previously, yes but not currently. With most goalie starved teams out of the goalie market (e.g., NJ grabbed Markstrom from Calgary and the Kings grabbed Kuemper from the Caps) this meant Ottawa suddenly found themselves in a buyer's market and likely dictated the terms.

  9. Knowing how the Bruins karma works, Ullmark is gonna regress back to his Sabres form in Ottawa, Korpisalo is gonna regain his Columbus all-star form, and the 25th pick will turn into the next franchise cornerstone.

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