@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Mise à jour massive sur le transfert de Marner… Un rapport révèle des détails fous sur l’avenir de Marner | Nouvelles des Maple Leafs

Nick Gosse et Dairus Domingues analysent une mise à jour importante sur le transfert de Mitch Marner et discutent de la façon dont Brad Treliving s’exprime sur l’avenir de sa star. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour accéder aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_EUKCfhWZLk0dX4XxQaZIA/join


  1. I want to get rid of Mo-money Marner so badly, I'll even throw in a draft pick to convince someone to take him. Nothing worse to have on a team than a self-deluded prima-donna. Just give me he CAP space back and I'll use it to sign a play-offs capable hockey player. Winning the Stanley Cup isn't a skills contest.

  2. I don't want Marner to go anywhere I think people should stop picking on Marner it takes every player on Toronto to win games especially in the playoffs.

  3. Leaf fans are so delusional. He's not going anywhere he'll walk at the end of the year and leafs will get nothing for him.

  4. I dont get why leafs fans want to repeat what theyve done for the last few years. Trading marner would be the right play…

  5. idk! it seems like you would need to come up with a list of teams with the capspace and then narrow it down to those willing to give something up for Marner – which just feels like it might be kind of slim pickings given that the actual contract is expiring. so my take is he's a great player and they will be able to move him, just maybe not for like a stud D man and a few picks you know

  6. Keep marner, spend the available cap cash on 2 good right defence… fill the forward holes with the kids and affordable options… next year you have all problems solved with 2 of the core four gone… or tavares extended cheap. Prepare to sign mcdavid.

  7. It's business, Treliving is talking Marner up for the trade as in "he's a star" Marner will realise he is no longer wanted and certainly not at $12 mil plus.

  8. Even if people think that Marner should be traded, how much should the Leafs pay to buy his NMC? Keeping in mind that the cost will go against the cap.

  9. Mariner needs to go and they need a fair return in the process. 7 years of failure is madness, Mitch should have been moved a few years ago.

  10. Leafs will not win with him during regular season he is good but bsd attitude and not a playoff player at all , you know you hear some guys on sports channels well marner don't check or not thst type of player to take a hit or give a hit where in the hell did he learn hockey then in Pee-Wee they taught me how to give a hit and take a hit and how is about physicalcalty kids are getting to soft and to spoiled today when it comes to the sport and it starts before the player hits the NHL it has to stop and good coach today cant say anything to a player to smarten him up god for bid.

  11. Tre is doing the right thing, trying to keep things quiet, difficult to do in this market. Biggest problem is the NMC contracts given out by Dubas while he was here.I think Marner should move on though, that " on the bench" issue in the playoffs with Mathews and Nylander shows a pretty deep discord with teamates and thats pretty bad. I would not believe for even a second that Mathews and Nylander saying to the press "we love him"…that was damage control, they clearly do not,and they showed it.

  12. Although Matthews is signed, I'm curious how he feels about a possible deal for Marner. If Matthews had known Marner would be moved, you have to question if he would have decided to leave the Leafs. Everyone is aware of Marner and Matthews' close friendship.

  13. I can’t agree with you guys here watching the interview made me even more sure Brad doesn’t plan on trading marner not this year anyway he said top priority is defense and the marner situation also said again it’s a rumor and didn’t say anything that sounded like letting him go was the fan the fact that Bert and Domi will be testing free agency makes me more think that trading Mitch is not this years plan he didn’t have domi and Bert resigning as priority’s

  14. I'd take Theodore and Thompson for Marner…Please Mitch ok this move…this helps the team you love more than your 13 mill contract will 😂

  15. Gm said nothing about trading marner on his media availability today. Stop the bullshit fake reporting. All you fake youtube sports channels suck, all based on rumor and speculation. Your as bad as cnn. Tell you what. We will wait for the grown ups to tell us about the leafs

  16. Everyone Calm your jets… Hockey is a Momentum game… Mitch Marner # 16 is a elite Hockey Player in his prime…He should not be killing penalties!!! That should not have been Taken in the first place!!! Half the game… You know what I am Talking about!!! Who took dumb penalties the list is long… If you need a elite penalty kill when the score is tied or down by one then use #16… Do not waste a elite Person in such fashion that was dumb by head coach… #16 is Human he gets tired… Mitch Marner # 16 let him be a elite Player in his fashion he can turn a ice cube of space into his phenomenal play making ability… #16 is so good if he passed to me I would Score

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