@Canucks de Vancouver

Je viens de rencontrer Zadorev au Wynn à Vegas. Je lui ai dit que ce serait génial de le voir revenir et il a dit que nous verrons.

Je viens de rencontrer Zadorev au Wynn à Vegas. Je lui ai dit que ce serait formidable de le voir revenir et il a dit que nous verrons.



  1. No_Director4346

    Sadly I don’t think it’s possible 😢😢

  2. IDontKnowWhat78

    Please come back zaddy I will sell my soul for you.

    Honestly worth paying a bit extra to bring some personality to the team. Obviously we’ve got some, but Kuzy was such a fan favrouite it feels a Russian sized hole has been missing since he left. Really hope Zadorov returns, his chirps to Edmonton in the media were beyond legendary and he’s a great player to go with it

  3. julesieee

    He’s clearly hanging out with the Hughes, Demko, and Tochett in Vegas and not being poached by LTIR Knights! 🤗

  4. Artie-Fufkin

    Is it hot down there? Looks like you got a heck of a tan

  5. PTCruiserApologist

    Come on dude, this isn’t a club in Riga!

  6. caveman17044

    He better come back one of the best we’ve had in a while

  7. Left_Guidance_5766

    I thought you were part of the carpet.

  8. OverallSpecialist131

    I loved when you played drums for the muppets

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