@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Briser la situation INSANE du plafond salarial des Maple Leafs | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde et Jesse Blake analysent la situation actuelle des Maple Leafs de Toronto en ce qui concerne le plafond salarial, la façon dont ils paient les quatre joueurs principaux et les ressources limitées dont ils disposent pour combler le reste de l’effectif. Quand cela va-t-il changer ? Comment peuvent-ils aligner une équipe compétitive comme celle-ci ? Quelle est la solution ? Pour toute demande générale, envoyez un courriel à : info@sdpn.ca. Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour communiquer avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de la possibilité d’intégrer votre marque à notre contenu !


  1. As a bruins fan, i feel kinda terrible for you all. What a shitty way to run a team. Wow. Terrible management. I feel for Austin Matthews and his prime years being wasted when he should be winning cups.

  2. Imagine having the biggest brain trust in the NHL and not having an actual brain.
    The rot of the, we can and we will disease, runs deep within this franchise.

  3. Agree 100%. I have been saying this for years. I love the TML and I want them to win. I just don't see it happening with this approach. TBH, this looks like an approach of a team in a tough market. CBJ for example. No one wants to play there. (Apologies to CBJ fans.) So I can see them paying top talent a lot more to get them. That makes sense. But the Leafs?? Don't guys want to play in Toronto?

  4. 2015 Lou Lamoriello would have selected a defenseman. Probably Noah Hanifin. Shanahan and Dubas destroyed the Matthews era. Sorry no way to retool in 4 years. By the way Dubas didnt even offer Evan Rodrigues a qualifying offer. Leaf fans are now looking at 4,years of having a good team and about 10 more years after that before they are ready for a serious cup run. See you in 2038

  5. Keep Mathew’s and nylander , McCabe , Benoit everyone else can go. Save so much money restart the team come on this is like there ruining the team on purpose , when was the last time the leafs got better as a team. Has to be fixed or they suck that much

  6. In other words, if Marner refuses to budge on the NMC, then the only way to resolve the core four cap dilemma (because 34 and 88 aren't being moved), however noise-inducing it may be, is to let him walk as a UFA, and reallocate the freed-up money to remake the core by acquiring a bonafide top pair D … provided such players are actually available.

  7. So sick and tired of these clowns constantly blaming marner for playoffs struggles. NONE of them have played up to their standards in the playoffs you muppets.

  8. Thank you Steve for giving the cold hard factual numbers. The cap is going up next year, and even more of the cap percentage will be spent on the Core 4.

    This is why Marner needs to go. It's the numbers. They cant add any legit blue liner or depth pieces when they're going to have even less avaialbe cap space than before.

  9. Wicked breakdown of the realities of this team. I can only say this… how is it possible that we didn’t get here a few years ago? The signs of this have been there for a very long time. These guys are just NOT those other core four groups you listed. The heart/drive is just nearly non-existent with this group. They’re a joke really. And paying these guys what Dubas did (after winning f’ing nothing) will go down as one of the worst mistakes in franchise history (and that’s saying a lot).

  10. It’s worse than that Steve!
    You don’t have a core 4 you have a core 5 as you have a 7.5 mil dman.
    Looking at 54.153 for that.
    Oilers will be in trouble year after as Ekholm is bumped to 4 and with Bouchard added that top 4 increases in cost at least 7 mil more (total top for not total increase for Bouchard and Leon) so likely in the 43 mil area….

  11. the leafs ices a big money line and the opposition plays a 3rd line of little salary and out plays the leafs and this happens all the time

  12. This was pointless. No new information, just bitching about the Leafs' cap hits and what other teams cap hits are. Blah blah blah.

  13. This is sad….it looks like they have to waste another season (prime Matthews too) to get to next season before they can even start to retool.

  14. The reason why the leafs continue to get themselves into these situations, is because of universal payback for the sins of Harold Ballard. They will finally win the cup when the universe forgives them.

  15. Praying for a summer training accident for one of the higher paid guys so we can LTIR until the playoffs. Otherwise, Marner has to go.

  16. Tbh the best thing to do here is wait until Tavares is off the books. Marner has a nmc and even if he’s willing to waive it. What team is he willing to waive it for and will the return be worth it?

  17. They don't care about the playoffs. 46 wins in a season was the icing on the cake. It's all down hill from there. Eben when they have money on the LTIR the front office does nothing. I have zero faith in the front office. Treliving is the worst gm in the league.

  18. oh look, you're finally acknowledging what I've been saying for ages . The cap increase is just going to the stars, again .. rather than the depth it needs to go to. Look at those leaf leaders doing what's best for the team success 😂

  19. It's cause the core is wrapped up in forwards. We wouldn't even talk like this if it included a dman and a goalie. It's extremely stupid to invest that much money into 1 type of hockey player.

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