@Jets de Winnipeg

PATRIK LAINE revient-il chez les JETS DE WINNIPEG ?

Il y a eu des rumeurs selon lesquelles Patrik Laine pourrait éventuellement revenir à Winnipeg via un échange avec les Blue Jackets de Columbus. Laine pourrait-il vraiment rentrer chez lui ? Merci beaucoup d’avoir regardé ! Si vous souhaitez rester au courant de tout mon contenu Jets, laissez un like et abonnez-vous pour en savoir plus ! Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jetshubyt/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/JetsHubYT #NHL #nhljets #gojetsgo #NHLDraft #PatrikLaine #Laine


  1. With Wheels gone and Ehlers with a foot out the door, I guess this could make sense. I can say that my son still has his Laine poster on his wall!

  2. Jets fans: Get rid of Connor and Scheifele, worst 2-way players in NHL history!
    Also Jets fans: Since Adolf Wheeler is gone, bring Laine back. Even though he's hurt a lot and lazy, he's still the next Richard and Gainey!

    Don't take that too seriously but it's kinda accurate. 100% serious, getting him back would set the Jets back a few years. I'm more worried about our defence more than offence.

  3. I honestly think Patrick has had a reality check and now realizes how good he had it in Winnipeg.

    I believe he had advisors filling his head with how great he was and not teaching him any humility.

  4. Love it but not @ 8mil , if you can trade Schmidts contract to them in a package or Columbus retain 2mil , absolutely


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