@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Repêchage de la LNH : Disponibilité médiatique de Dave Poulin

Écoutez le vice-président principal des opérations hockey, Dave Poulin, discuter des préparatifs du repêchage des Sénateurs, de ce à quoi les partisans doivent s’attendre et plus encore avant le repêchage de la LNH.


  1. Audio is very quiet again. Not best in class. Can the guy who uploads/edits these make sure the audio is adjusted properly? Cranked it up on the tv so I could hear then the next video autoplayed and destroyed my ears.
    Once the d is addressed and the first round is over can we get this on the priority list!! 🙂

  2. This is a last dance type season. If we make the playoffs we add and continue onto a potential dynasty but if we miss out again I think we begin the retool and potentially a rebuild if Brady wants out of Ottawa.

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