@Predators de Nashville

[LeBrun] Les Predators ont reçu de nombreux appels concernant le gardien Askarov au cours des dernières 24 heures après l’annonce de la prolongation de contrat de Saros. Les Predators sont prêts à le vendre, mais ils ont fixé un prix élevé qu’ils jugent justifié. Nashville aimerait entrer dans le top 5 du premier tour ce soir grâce à un échange d’Askarov.

[LeBrun] Les Preds ont reçu de nombreux appels concernant le gardien Askarov au cours des dernières 24 heures suite à la nouvelle de la prolongation de Saros. Les Preds sont prêts à le déplacer mais ont fixé un prix élevé qu’ils estiment justifié. Nashville aimerait entrer dans le top 5 du premier tour ce soir via un échange Askarov.



  1. SpeakNowAndEnter

    My take on this is that a top 5 pick is wild, so Trotz is basically saying “we aren’t trading him unless someone is going to overpay for him” which is fine by me. I think Askarov has great potential but if he can net us a top 5 pick somehow, I think that’s totally worth it

  2. lightningandblunder

    Columbus wants to move on from Elvis, but apparently their ask for 4OA has been damn hefty.

  3. KaleidoscopeOk1346

    We have 0 reason to rush move him now with a Saros extension to be announced. We just got the goalie whisperer back in the house, Askarov is only going to get better. I like this hard line from Trotz. Who ever bites might have to rename the barn the Trotz Memorial Coliseum if that’s what he wants.

  4. HillibillyHaven

    Fair enough. “You want him? Come and get him”

  5. Third-Coast-Toffee

    Call us….let’s talk. Whatcha got to offah?

  6. TheVerminSupreme

    Lankinen played very well when called upon this year. With Mitch back in the picture, a cash out on Asky isn’t crazy at all.

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