@Canadiens de Montréal

[Di Marco] On me dit que les Flames ont fait un pitch à MTL pour le 5e choix au total. La demande est trop riche en ce moment de la part du Tricolore.

[Di Marco] On m’a dit que les Flames avaient fait une offre à Montréal pour le 5e choix au total. La demande est trop élevée pour le moment de la part des Habs.



  1. kingimpecable

    Make a trade and add more conditions on next year’s 1st round pick lol

  2. Sure. 9th + remove protection from the 2025 pick + Wolf + Coronato

  3. Seb_Nation

    They’re doing everything possible to tank so we don’t get their pick next year, ASK FOR THE NON KENT!

  4. steeler2323

    I wonder what Montreal is asking and what Calgary think a « fair » cost is, since dropping from 5 to 9 is a huge step. The cost from 26 to 21 was a late 2nd.

    I would expect the Habs asking for more than 9 + 28, since it seems underwhelming. Probably want to remove any protection from next year 1st, or something like that.

  5. Can a trade remove conditions on a previous one? Asking seriously since I never saw it happen

  6. throwdeepaway

    The Radical demented anti-Russians cult hate DemiGod. Russia Russia Russia. He’s a TREMENDOUS talented player. I know the Russian people, many Russian friends. Tremendous people. HUGE country. My barely 18 years old Russian girlfriend loves him as much as I love her. NEVER SURRENDER TO THE MOB!!!!

  7. We don’t need more picks.

    Keep 5, make the right pick

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