@Panthers de la Floride

Chaque serviette de rallye

J’ai eu l’incroyable opportunité d’assister à chaque match à domicile et je suis tellement content d’avoir gardé toutes les serviettes. Les voici tous répartis dans l’ordre. *Le premier match du premier tour n’est pas représenté sur la photo, où ils ont distribué des bâtons lumineux à la place.

J’aimerais vraiment transformer cela en courtepointe ou quelque chose comme ça. Mais je n’ai pas les compétences en couture. S’il y a des fans astucieux des Panthers, envoyez-moi un message. J’adorerais embaucher quelqu’un pour faire ça pour moi !



  1. xavier_laflamme70

    Commenting to follow! I also have every towel and wanted to make a little throw blanket. I was thinking of having them all sewn together and then backed with a Panther themed fabric that they sell at Joann/Hobby Lobby etc.

    There’s some people that do this on Etsy/Facebook but it costs $100+ and the « turnaround time » for some of these is like 9 months!

  2. I really wanted at least one of these but the only people I saw that had extras from Facebook felt like scammers trying to make a buck

  3. TokiMcNoodle

    Why didnt you put the two on top on the right? Its driving me nuts lmao

    Great collection tho! Love it!

  4. layout420

    I also went to every game. I just have no idea what towel correlates to which game. I was hoping for someone to leak the info at some point. I’ll probably turn it into a quilt. I managed to grab a few extras for some out of town friends who are die hards and will try to make something for them.

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