@Blackhawks de Chicago

Première interview d’Artyom Levshunov en tant que Blackhawk | Chicago Blackhawks

Découvrez Artyom Levshunov, deuxième choix au total des Blackhawks de Chicago en 2024. Abonnez-vous : https://youtube.com/blackhawks TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@nhlblackhawks Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nhlblackhawks Twitter : https://twitter.com/nhlblackhawks Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nhlblackhawks Site Web : https://www.nhl.com/blackhawks/


  1. Damn, I really would’ve wanted Anton Silayev but Artyom is a great pic. We needed defenseman someone to protect Connor and someone to step up as a defenseman unlike Seth Jones, who doesn’t even know how to play hockey.

  2. Blackhawks what? 2nd Levshunov 18th Boisvert 27th Vanacker. I think totally blew this draft and should of got 2nd Demidov 18th Eiserman the two top offensive players in draft and at 27th pick EJ Emery the best defensive D-man in the draft

  3. While I was pulling for Demidov Davidson hasn’t had a real miss yet. So I’m optimistic that this is going to work out. Welcome to Chicago Artyom!

  4. We HAD to settle down the engine room. Need the d to push the pass to the forwards. We had NOTHING like him in the pipeline. Korch is very talented and young.

  5. I get why this pick was made to improve defense, but Bedard needs help on offense.

    All this pick does is instead of losing 5-1, now we lose 3-1.

  6. Trust the front office guys. Go look back at the draft from a couple of years ago and see how many of those flashy guys are busts. No one knows how good any of these guys are gonna be. I personally like that we got 3 guys who all do different things well.A well rounded top pairing defenseman, A second line two way Center, and a middle six winger with some skill, grit, and speed, also kills penalties. Just be patient the Hawks are coming.

  7. You guys don’t need to constantly ask him about his dad, that’s probably so hard for him to talk about and uncomfortable. That’s stuff he should be able to talk about with close friends and family, not you media people. Figure it out

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