@Panthers de la Floride

« Nous allons dépenser jusqu’au plafond. Je vais tout dépenser. » | Projet d’interview de Bill Zito

Le directeur général des Panthers, Bill Zito, s’entretient avec les médias avant le repêchage de la LNH 2024. Restez connecté avec les #FloridaPanthers : Abonnez-vous 👉 https://www.youtube.com/@flapanthers?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/flapanthers/ TikTok 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/@flapanthers Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/flapanthers Facebook 👉 https://www.facebook.com/flapanthers Site Web 👉 https://www.floridapanthers.com


  1. In Zito we trust! Crazy that in the 4 years since he got the reigns in 2020: only Barkov, Ekblad, Bob, and Luostarinen remain from his starting roster. His fingerprint is all over every part of this franchise! Congratulations and thank you for building an amazing team!

  2. Can’t wait to see what this man cooks up this summer. No doubt he will have this team in prime position to take another swing at the cup next year

  3. I now call him water bottle bill. And might i add, pronounce it like the brits do, woa boa bill.

  4. Build off of the cup by reaching out to the younger fan base beyond sending ticket salesmen with a table. Get the players out there. Host young player camps.

  5. I am a Blues fan and I would love to see Tarasenko finish his career there. This team is just different. They are the iron-clad of the NHL. The roster, culture, the GM all the way down this team has, and will continue to have, champion mentality. I think next year is gonna be far more of an elite team.

  6. a YUGE and sincere fuckkkkkk yewwwwwwwwwwwwww to this social team for their DOGSHITE audio on nearly every intvw video on this channel. between them and george richards, youre singlehardedly ruining microphones worldwide ffs.

  7. NHL fan at large..Love this team! Began following in 2014.. the progressions with Zito were amazing!

    (How could CBJ have held onto Jarmo..not realized what they had with Zito in house)….

  8. I'm getting a custom Panther's authentic jersey with the name ZITO on the back and number 20 (the year he came aboard)!

  9. Dude is very animated and genuine. If I met this guy, I could probably listen to him tell stories for hours

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