@Blue Jackets de Columbus

[LeBrun] Cela aurait pu être un feu d’artifice en tête du repêchage ce soir. Apprenant que les Blackhawks ont offert le premier choix de l’année prochaine, non protégé, plus un autre choix, en échange du quatrième choix au total. C’était assez proche mais Jackets a réussi. Ils aiment vraiment Cayden Lindstrom et ne pouvaient pas le laisser passer

[LeBrun] Cela aurait pu être un feu d’artifice au début du repêchage ce soir. J’ai entendu que les Blackhawks ont offert le premier choix de l’année prochaine, non protégé, plus un autre choix, en échange du quatrième choix au total. C’était assez proche, mais les Jackets ont refusé. Ils aiment vraiment Cayden Lindstrom et ne pouvaient pas le laisser passer




    Expecting only sane and rational comments here.

  2. Dkoop2003

    We should’ve taken that and ran. We’ll regret that one. The Hawks are going to suck again, and that pick will probably be better than 4OA

  3. ShartRat

    I can understand why we would pass on this if next year the Blackhawks finish better in the standings and were to drop in the draft lottery. Good thing about drafting a power forward type guy is that we can take our time with him so I hope this works out in the end.

  4. Big_Bluebird8040

    so new management already made a huge decision. let’s see how it plays out

  5. NontransferableApe

    Oof. I would have rather had that

  6. I know the words “unprotected first round pick” sounds nice.

    But we would have been giving up a 4th overall pick for a pick that could be anywhere next year. Not to mention, no first rounder at all this year. It wasn’t a potential “move down”, it was “give up drafting any first rounder you may like this year.”

  7. HottyMcDoddy

    Crazy trade to think about but obviously Chicago would end up moving a lot of draft capital to improve the team if they had made this trade. And would have signed a couple good FAs. Pick would likely end up in the 5-10 range instead of top 5. And unless it ended up as #1 Lindstrom is probably better.

  8. maroonpike

    I don’t know how strong next year’s draft is so I don’t have an objective opinion on if this was a good decision. But as a huge Chicago hater, I mean this very subjectively, I’m so glad we didn’t help them in any way. I just HATE the thought of giving that evil evil team two picks in the top 4 even if we profited off it.

  9. Past GMs would’ve bought those magic beans and Chicago would make a miracle run to the Conference Finals.

  10. EverlastingEvening

    Glad we didn’t take that deal. You obviously never know how prospects will turn out, but I’d rather gamble on a prospect than a mystery draft pick. 2x times the gamble for not much gain.

  11. TheDoubleL27

    Known asset vs unknown asset. I read reports that after seeing Lindstrom’s medical reports, many teams moved Lindstrom up their list. Jackets made a solid pick.

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