@Flames de Calgary

Chris Peters (@chrismpeters) sur X – Un seul joueur au cours des 10 dernières années dans la USHL a eu un total de points plus élevé que celui de Matvei Gridin, 83 cette année, lors de sa saison d’éligibilité au repêchage. Il s’agit de Matt Coronato, qui en a eu 85

Chris Peters (@chrismpeters) sur X – Un seul joueur au cours des 10 dernières années dans la USHL a obtenu un total de points plus élevé lors de sa saison éligible au repêchage que les 83 de Matvei Gridin cette année. C’était Matt Coronato qui en avait 85



  1. robochobo

    This isn’t a Mark Jankowski type of reach. This draft is deep in the sense that a lot of players in this 25-50 range are very comparable. People can’t expect elite talent when you’re picking this late in the first round.
    That’s why it’s important to be picking high not praying that later picks all turn into Gaudreau

    Gridin also lead his team in scoring, 15 points higher than Boisvert who Chicago took at 18. Coronato played with Sean Farrell who put up 105 points and Josh Doan who put up 70 in his draft year and was older than Gridin at the time he got drafted.

  2. tristan1616

    Call me Dutch Van Der Linde because I have some goddamn faith

  3. Bigasspikachu

    This guy had more points than multiple players selected before him. Don’t understand the hate. Seems like a solid pick

  4. Chemical_Signal2753

    Looking at dobber prospects, his PNHLe is exceptionally high based on his last season: https://dobberprospects.com/player/matvei-gridin/

    While that will jump around from season to season based on his performance, it gives you a rough estimate on the kind of performance his last season could indicate.

  5. joseville

    Conroy wants the Flames to score a fuck ton of goals and I’m ready for it bb.

  6. _TheAxis_

    Big, strong skater, very high hockey IQ. Not mad at it over guys like Basha who was playing alongside McKenna and Lindstrom. Our Russian scout might be on to something with this kid.

  7. PapaJ200411

    Wish the kid had a little more enthusiasm though. Hope it was just shock in a good way. Face read disappointed?

  8. marbsarebadredux

    Hate to be that guy, but Coronato hasn’t done anything yet, so this doesn’t really prove anything.

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