@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Jérôme Bérubé] 1/13 PHI Jett Luchanko RC Luchanko est dans notre premier tour depuis novembre ; cependant, il a fallu plus de temps pour que le consensus le comprenne. Il est l’un des joueurs les plus intelligents de cette classe, l’un des meilleurs patineurs et l’un des plus travailleurs. Il y a beaucoup à aimer ici. Il est…

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1/13 PHI Jett Luchanko RC

Luchanko fait partie de notre première ronde depuis novembre; cependant, il a fallu plus de temps pour que le consensus le cerne. Il est l’un des joueurs les plus intelligents de cette classe, l’un des meilleurs patineurs et l’un des plus travailleurs. Il a beaucoup de qualités à apprécier. Il est également assez jeune pour cette classe et s’est distingué au combine de la LNH. C’est un centre polyvalent avec une excellente vision du jeu. Il traite le jeu à grande vitesse et rend ses compagnons de trio meilleurs. Il n’avait pas beaucoup de ressources à sa disposition cette année, mais avec un meilleur casting de soutien, nous pensons que ses statistiques offensives s’amélioreront. Il doit continuer à travailler sur son tir et à améliorer sa capacité de finition, mais ses aptitudes de passe sont de haut niveau. N’importe quel entraîneur voudrait un gars comme lui dans son équipe. C’était très serré pour nous entre Luchanko et Helenius pour notre liste finale, mais nous avons donné l’avantage à Luchanko en raison de son patinage et de sa date de naissance.

En savoir plus sur Luchanko : https://youtu.be/xtmC3vNNKZw?si=5Oq6eFDbIq36r58W



  1. Let’s see if they’re right. Definitely not what the fanbase wanted.

  2. Roll-Me-Through

    Knowing they’ve been high on him for the better part of a year makes me feel better about it. But it really is a galaxy-brain move to say we knew about him a long time ago and the consensus never figured him out

  3. BlurstOfTimes11

    People should trust what the OHL coaches thought of him. Plus he’s only 17. Most of the players drafted have played an extra year.

  4. No_Bank_330

    Very young for the draft giving him room to grow. There is a lot to like here.

  5. MrRegularSeason

    I trust Flahr’s scouting. I’m a bit peeved at passing on Buium I won’t lie, but I feel like when guys start falling it’s usually for a reason

  6. bak30105

    I’m sure this isn’t just fluff to make the fans feel better and they really do like him as a prospect BUT watching live Danny’s plan looked pretty clear; and I think it was 2-fold.

    1.) Trade up for a.Michkov’s boy Demidov or b.Lindstrom

    2.) Trade back from 12 and acquire assets

    Danny was on the phone til the last second both times they were on the clock. I think he wanted to acquire more assets and trade further back. So as much as I trust Danny, I don’t think he’s thrilled with just a future 3rd and a consensus reach either. And I don’t love that they didn’t just go consensus BPA-highest ceiling(Buium) and « build for the future »… would rather be wrong with the consensus guy than a reach

    ALL THAT BEING SAID, if the kid turns into a beast then it’s all moot and great pick lol. Time will tell

  7. Patient_Jicama_4217

    I wish that I could physically move the Wells Fargo Center far away from the Linc and the Bank… those FOs don’t even deserve to breathe the same air

  8. Bhut_Jolokia400

    Perennial terrible drafting front office. This scouting department has wasted
    more 1st rd picks than any other organization in the NHL since Inception. To say birth yr and age which is less than a 12 month difference was part of the decision process is just malpractice. Time will tell but as of tonight after the 1st round the Flyers have made the worst selection of the draft considering position. Getting a 3rd rd 2025 pick for Buium is an egregious lack of foresight

  9. ThePalmIsle

    Feels like the analytics dept. made this pick

    Very mixed feelings

  10. PwillyAlldilly

    We would say that about anyone we got

  11. jabtrain

    Here’s Athletic’s Wheeler on [Buium v. Luchanko picks](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5588459/2024/06/28/nhl-draft-first-round-winners-losers-2024/)-

    *Buium is a phenomenal hockey player. He’s an excellent skater (particularly on his edges), he’s an extremely heady player (one of the smartest in the draft), he’s got shakes and fakes, and he reads the game on both sides of the puck at a super-advanced level. I think the world of him and believe he’s got first-pairing upside… he also became a borderline-elite defender, learning how to swallow up opposing players with his footwork and angling… One of the best picks of the night.*

    *He’s very good. It just felt a little high for me. Luchanko is a well-rounded, smart center who is one of the better skaters and athletes in the draft. I know at least two other teams were prepared to take him in the teens… I’m not sure Luchanko has the skill to be more than a solid second-line center, for example, and while I think he could fit nicely with Matvei Michkov in time, I don’t think he’s got a realistic path to becoming a 1C on a top team.*

  12. TheEnormusPenis

    Players don’t often just fall for no reason, I gotta belive the scouts knew more about Buium than I did and there was something there.

    This pick is exactly like when fans in the NFL get upset when their team goes OL instead of a flashy player. He’s young, he’s fast, he’s defensively great, he’s smart, and has good vision. Hopefully we can help develop all that into a 1C

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