@Canadiens de Montréal

[ChrisHabs360] #Habs Kent Hughes sur TVA Sports : « Nous ne sommes pas surpris. Nous avons cru et espéré que [Demidov] tombe à 5. […] Nous avons eu le joueur que nous visions tout le temps. »

[ChrisHabs360] #Habs Kent Hughes sur TVA Sports : « Nous ne sommes pas surpris. Nous croyions et espérions que [Demidov] tombe à 5. […] Nous avons eu le joueur que nous visions depuis le début.



  1. KoreanPhones

    What a day to be a Habs fan man. WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK

  2. Interesting-Play-759

    Kent Hughes being bald makes it easier for me to accept my ongoing receding hair loss. I will follow this man to hell and back again.

  3. shogun2909

    The slam dunk he was hoping for, we are so fucking back

  4. Kotkaniemint

    Hutson and Demidov are going to be an absolutely deadly combo in 3 on 3 OT.

  5. Vanilla_Danish

    As the glare on his head shows, he’s been anoited by the shining light

  6. davefromgabe

    they did it. they did the thing. we are COOKING now !!! I can’t wait

  7. i want you to put the word out that we back up

  8. Extreme-Leather7748

    To win a cup, or at least be a perennial contender, you need some luck in the draft. This is one of those moments. He is easily the 2nd best player in this draft, absolutely crazy to me that Lindstrom went before him especially given his injury issues

  9. HonestDespot

    Love it.

    Can’t wait to see what they do at 21

  10. steeler2323

    Kent: « We lost the lottery, but actually, we won the lottery. »

  11. hoobey72

    Hopefully he doesn’t get drafted and sent to Ukraine before his Khl contract, just saying

  12. Cantevenkickflip

    Man, that was so much fun watching each pick before us. The suspense was making me pace around the room like a playoff game lol. Soon as Sennecke went third overall, I was fairly certain we got our boy.

  13. JacquesEvans

    This is the pick i wanted too! Sweet! But I do find it funny that nobody wanted Michkov last year because of the Russian factor and that he wouldn’t play for at least 3 years, now it looks like he’s gonna play in the NHL before Reinbacher. And we pick Demidov a year after skipping on Michkov. And its easily arguable that Michkov is the better player… strange. But whatever, I’m so happy we got Demidov

  14. Doublep00n

    Reading all these comments just makes me wantbhab hockey back so much more it’s wild

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