@Devils du New Jersey

Anton Silayev, repêché par les Devils du New Jersey, au 10e rang du repêchage 2024 de la LNH

Les Devils du New Jersey ont sélectionné Anton Silayev au 10e rang du repêchage 2024 de la LNH. Silayev est un défenseur de 18 ans mesurant 6’7″ qui joue actuellement dans la KHL. Quand verrons-nous Silayev avec les Devils de la NJ ? Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour l’équipe aujourd’hui ? Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour Tom Fitzgerald et le New Jersey Les Diables en agence libre ? Je discute de tout cela dans cette vidéo. Faites-moi part de vos commentaires dans les commentaires. Voir nos autres vidéos pour la couverture des Diables ! Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu sur les Diables à venir ! : https://www.youtube.com/@. runninwiththedevils?sub_confirmation=1 Suivez-nous sur Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7BYmvZzdWiRfnEZzZA8RJd Suivez-nous sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ Suivez-nous sur X : https://www .instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ #njdevils #antonsilayev #newjerseydevils #silayev #nhldraft #devils #tomfitzgerald #nhldraft24 #nhldraft2024 #njdevilspodcast #newjerseydevilspodcast #nhl #hockey #nhlfreeagency #khl #defenseman #defensemen


  1. You need 2 teams to make a trade…if no one was offering a top 6 forward for #10. Eiserman won't be NHL ready for couple years anyway. We need to get bigger and more physical especially on backlines.. I'm good with this pick.

  2. Zhadrov confirmed NOT going back to VAN, gotta just say fuck it throw the bag 6×6 he needs to be a devil

  3. Ace, once again, you mirror my thoughts exactly. Fitz said he wanted to bring in 2 forward and 2 D with $15 mil and the #10 pick. Now a big piece has expired and we are left wonder what happened. I'm sure the kid will be fine in a few years but, like you said, the core is aging. My expectations for the off-season have been lowered dramatically. I wouldn't be surprised if we only ended up with Brett Pesce and Ross Colton and some cap space for the Spring. Sad.

  4. Bro didnt you say you were old school and wanted physicality? We just drafted Chara/Hedman lite with better skating. This kid will be here within 2 years on an ELC and is going to be a monster. Our window isnt 3 years its 10. Take the long view. I look forward to seeing you come around when you see this kid skate.

  5. Definitely was hoping to trade it as well, I'm with you on the win now movement. It seems this year though, no team was high on any draft pick this draft class besides #1, not many trades went down at all and it seemed we just went through the motions of drafting, very blah picks all around.
    With that said, if we didn't get any real offers for #10, I'm okay with the pick. I watched as offensive prospects went and went and went and was actually excited we could get a decent D-man prospect at #10 rather than just a mid-pack prospect. So like you, bummed we couldn't trade it but okay with the outcome considering all things with this draft.

  6. Fitzgerald let us down and didn’t go big game hunting with the 10th overall. Not a win now day that’s for sure would rather have got another piece to go for it in the next two years

  7. Zadorov is not resigning with the Canucks. Fitz needs to go and make that heavier edgier happen. I understand where you're coming from, but Silayev was a top pairing defenseman at the age of 17. That is unheard of in the KHL. They do not cater to their youth. This kid is disruptive when he decides to hit you. He takes people completely out of the play. I don't even care about his offensive game. He could contribute 25 points a season, but if he's a stay at home behemoth who hits things and blocks shots, he will be worth it. Him paired with Nemec is going to be a nightmare scenario for the league to gameplan for.

  8. Agreed, I think he may be long term BPA but it is also concerning to me with the KHL contract being two more years at a minimum. That means as you said he will not be able to play at all during Markstrom era even as a call up like Luke was for a playoff run the second year. I’m sure that’s why he fell too the same way Demidov did. I’m okay with keeping the pick if the best offer was Necas (thank god we didn’t trade for him), but since we’re in win now mode you get someone who is close to being NHL ready or at least someone you know you can have under contract for an ELC within a year to adjust to North American hockey.

    That being said, if we do ship Marino like we’re rumored to and bring in Zadorov and Lyubushkin (sp) or another nasty RHD along at least two forwards, it would be a successful summer. But that’s still four pieces away and with Fitz patient approach to everything I don’t see that happening

  9. im not thrilled that we didnt move the pick however we dont know what deals were on the table for that pick, silayev is great on paper hes a monster of a guy and is being compared to a faster more agile chara, people say he closes gaps unlike anyone has ever seen and the upside is massive on him people say hes a 6'7" body that skates like someone whos 5'10" and hes been playing against men in the KHL since he was 16 so he'll be ready for NHL action sooner rather than later. he dropped to us because hes not a right now piece because hes still under contract in russia, when he becomes a roster player i do truly believe depends on when hes allowed to come to america and not necessarily on when his game matures enough for the NHL because his game is already at the point to crack an NHL roster, many many people thought this kid would go 3rd overall just because of what he can do on the ice defensively (he wont really ever stun you with his offense), im not sure that the fact that we didnt trade is necessarily on fitzy, i would rather draft silayev over trade the pick just for the sake of trading it and not getting what we really want for it, but i and many others are disappointed, i know we expected a lot more, before the draft i saw so many different things be tossed out there on social media by fans, nothing serious but i saw people saying quinn hughes which we all know wasnt happening regardless and i saw a lot of people saying askarov from Nashville, all this hype and nothing just ever came from any of it. i did feel like i wasted an evening watching that draft lol but at the end of the day i dont think fitzy wasted the pick, but hes not making his job any safer with this selection in my own personal opinion but i dont think he made the situation any worse either. he has a LOT of convincing to do in free agency to get these guys to sign with us, i will say this, if a few days after free agency starts and we suddely have pesce/tanev, zadorov, and stamkos (stamkos is also reported to only want 4.5 aav as well which makes him even more likely of a posibility) i think that everyone will have forgotten the fact that we didnt get anything at the draft as a win now piece. but that is a tall order for any team, and fitzy has his work cut out for him

  10. i think they probably tried to trade the 10th pick or a package with it to get somebody but the deal wasn't good enough

  11. Not a bad pick but I’m with you. I think if we already didn’t have doubt in Fitz from him showing a complete lack of urgency last year with goaltending, we wouldn’t be questioning if he tried hard enough to use the 10OA to improve now. But the fact is we do have that doubt, so it sucks. He needs to go get either Pesce/Zadorov or Pesce/Dillion now. NEEDS to.

  12. I think a top-class NHL team has to walk and chew gum at the same time. Which means we can go big game hunting (that comment referred specially to a goalie) and get more edgier and violent (through trades and free agency), while still drafting with the #10 pick unless the return is absolutely stellar. I don’t think the offer was there to part with such an important asset. Kudos to Fitzy for thinking about what is in the long-term interests of the team and NOT his own hide. I still think we’ll be happy fans come this time next week.

  13. Devils have to win the Cup within the next 3 seasons. Fitzgerald dropped the ball and allowed that 2022 – 2023 team to regress to poor defense. Vitek and Blackwood were never the answer for goalies.

  14. Really wanted a win now move too. But this is even worse in that there was a future star on on the board in Buium. He was the best defensemen in the draft, maybe 2nd best player overall. But with so many good prospects available at 10, that pick became even more valuable than before the draft and it’s typical Fitz to sit on his hands and underwhelm us.

  15. Agreed I was looking forward to the splash of whatever trade could have been for the 10th, that being said Silayev might not be a win now piece but he's a long term partner for Luke. Hughes 20, Nemec 20, Casey 20, Silayev 18.

    Wouldn't be surprised if Silayev finishes his contract in the KHL after this year and turns pro/comes to North America for the following year.

  16. I covered him earlier in the year and reviewed him several times at Draft Prospects Hockey. His reach, physicality, coverage is very capable of being a shutdown guy. He’s the kind of breed you need to thump opponents into being humble. Very underrated shot on net.

  17. You've described Markstrom as a win-now move but also as a "stop-gap." Those are really two different things. A "stop-gap" is automatically a reference to the future.
    This team's core players have virtually zero playoff experience. Teams with no playoff experience almost never win championships, in any sport.
    The goal, this year, is make the playoffs. Any expectations beyond that, you're just going to make yourself miserable.
    It's not like the window is closed in two years when Markstrom's contract is up.

  18. If the deals for the 10th were underwhelming, this is just taking that pick and investing it. Come the trade deadline, there will be teams that have high hopes now, that will become sellers. More impact "win now" players may be available at the trade deadline. If Silayev has a good year his trade value later this year could be higher than the 10th pick was.

  19. Don't go out & over spend in free agency for players that the kids will replace in a few years ! Silayev has is 2 yrs left in the KHL so go out & get Dillion or Kulikov till he comes . The flashy pretend moves required the 10th pick , the smart moves don't . Players like Colton or even Crouse can be traded for …. cheer up you sounding like a Biden supporter lol

  20. This kid is honestly the one and only pick that I'd be excited for cause he's projected to be an absolute beast with those skating skills of his and KHL experience. Sucks that we didn't use the pick to make a big win-now move but I can't say I'm not real hyped about him.

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