@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Repêchage de la LNH : Carter Yakemchuk

Écoutez Carter Yakemchuk, septième choix au total des Sénateurs d’Ottawa, s’adresser aux médias lors du repêchage de la LNH 2024


  1. When you look at the diverse skill set and what he was able to do on a team far less talented than the other top D in the draft…glad to see him in a Sens sweater.

  2. can't go wrong with this pick hands down one of the best RD your gonna get in this draft not as flashy as some of the other picks people were thinking like parekh but it's probably the safest pick you can make can't wait to watch him play in ottawa

  3. Reminds me of a Dion Phaneuf a little. big guy heavy shot and big hits. Love this pick

  4. Get ready for him to become a good skater in ottawa. He will be filthy. Not a #1 but perfect top pair RHD for the playoffs to compliment chabby/sanderson

  5. Great pick! Big RD with plenty of offensive upside and uses his size in the d-zone. Players like that are hard to find!

  6. good shit im glad they decided to pick him Ottawa needed a good right handed D man, this guy has much potential

  7. I'm happy with this pick. Not worried about him improving his weak points because the Sens staff will do a good job molding him to a much better player all around, snd with the other superstars on the team," he do nicely" congratulations on becoming a Ottawa Senators. Go Sens Go.

  8. Grats for the kid being drafted but we need more offense, If the sens don't make the playoffs this season which currently with the lineup including Linus I can't see it happening the sens are goalie wreckers, it's going to be a new rebuild, to many are on expiring contracts and Brady will want a trade to a contender next summer since his ahole brother stated he will win a cup soon lol, well. We all know now Canadian teams are not allowed to win cups any longer

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