@Flyers de Philadelphie

Pourquoi toute cette haine envers Luchanko ?

Le gamin a l’air d’une bête. J’ai reçu un texto d’un ami qui couvre la OHL immédiatement après le choix, disant qu’il était un étalon.



  1. MrRegularSeason

    I’m coming around on the pick, but I can’t see why jumping would matter for hockey?

  2. TwoForHawat

    Generally, because there more prospects who were more highly-regarded available, and Briere went off the board a bit. It’s great that your friend thinks he’ll be a stud, but most of the people who cover this sort of thing didn’t have similar optimism.

    Doesn’t seem that difficult to understand why some fans are underwhelmed. We don’t all have your buddy’s phone number.

  3. PwillyAlldilly

    I mean off the rip you see ranked 20 and we picked at 13. Not like when we got Michkov who was ranked #3 and we grabbed him. There is a reason people get excited for him and don’t go damn we should have got Benson.

  4. I like Luchanko. But not with Buium and Helenius on the board. I think he’ll be a good player for us. I think he’ll fall somewhere between Richards prime and Laughton prime. But to have Buium fall to us, a player no one expected to be an option at 12, and say nah is rough.

    We’ll get over it if Jett proves to be a top 6 two way center who gets Selke votes. But until then…

  5. upcan845

    I don’t think anyone is hating Luchanko. He seems like a quality prospect for a team desperate for centers.

    People are hating that Briere admitted to picking for need. He admitted that he passed on Buium in part because we have a similar B-tier prospect in the minors. And those are just the dumb things he has admitted publicly.

    The Flyers have lived through a decade of GMs who think they’re smarter than they really were. It is frustrating to see our GM make questionable pick and then explain it with terrible logic.

  6. allrocksnoscissor

    the way board fell we probably could have waited until 32 to grab him, and picked up Zeev. I have nothing against Luchanko but its a reach at 13. Theres lots to like about his game but I didnt pay a lot of attention to him, I dont hate the pick but Buium is going to be a stud and hes one of the few players I was willing to trade up for at 4 if we made the Columbus trade. I thought we were about to get Michkov lucky again this year.

  7. Nervous-Local-1034

    Because people have mostly been influenced by Flyers bloggers and Twitter posters and read too many mock drafts by people who do nothing but throw spaghetti at the wall. Despite this, they’ve never actually sat down and watched film, let alone complete games, of the players they’re sitting here and screaming should have been picked instead.

    I’m so tired of this fanbase.

  8. Local-Cartographer52

    Buium will be a potential top pairing dude. Briere later said we had Drysdale and York already, so we went center which is a wild departure from last years emphasis on talent over need. Looks like a legit 2nd line guy but really really sucks to just flip the Buium pick for a measley 3rd.

  9. TheDuckyNinja

    Because people read prospect lists and then take them as gospel. Or they fall in love with some prospect pre-draft and then that prospect is there and then they get sad they’re not taken. You see people say « the Flyers think they’re smarter than other teams », but then you see a guy like Buium who is ranked highly but falls way further than expected and the Flyers also don’t take him, and it’s like…it certainly feels like the Flyers think they’re *exactly* as smart as the other teams, otherwise he wouldn’t be falling, right? They’re not just gonna come out and say « look, the online draft community just likes this guy way more than NHL teams », they’re gonna say « well, he just wasn’t the right fit for us » because why the fuck would they say anything else?

    I’ve seen a lot of people say « why didn’t they take Helenius over him », but like, let’s be real. None of us watched any full Jukurit games this year and none of us watched any full Guelph games this year. So we go by the scouting reports. And every single scouting report on Helenius says something like « He lacks dynamic attributes that other players in the draft class possess »; or « He’s more of a high-floor prospect than a high ceiling one, with questions about how translatable his offensive game is »; or « The only knock against him is that, of all these skills, none of them stand out above his competition. »; or « He doesn’t have the size or stand-out attribute »; or «  »While he may lack some of the high-end tools the other names in the top 10 possess ». Is it really that hard to figure out why the Flyers may not have been all that interested in him?

    Then you read scouting reports on Luchanko (again, none of us watched any Guelph games, let’s not pretend) and every single one of them talks about his top end speed. Right off the bat, there’s an elite trait. Elite players come from elite traits. Most scouting reports also note him as an elite passer and talk about his high quality mental game. There are building blocks there to be a high impact player. Will he reach that potential? Who the fuck knows? Certainly not any of us.

    So basically, there’s a lot of hate because the Flyers passed on a guy who was « good value » and a guy who was « higher ranked ». Maybe the Flyers were right. Maybe the Flyers were wrong. But it’s not super difficult to see the thought process.

  10. Limelifes

    No hate from me tbh, NHL prospects don’t work out a lot in general. So picking a guy at 13 who was projected at 18 doesn’t seem like a reach if he is who you want. I loved his interview with media after getting drafted. He seems very smart and confident for a 17 year old. He also seems like he would fit well with Michkov if he can really be a 1C.

  11. roose_bhole

    I understand it’s probably a reach but this team needs a big swing. A fast center who can pass is perfect for a transition offense which is Michkovs strength. We also now have 3 draft picks next year.

  12. Adorable-Lie3475

    It was probably a slight reach. Also people are overrating the fuck out of Buium.

  13. itsthefazz

    Because fans don’t know a thing about prospects and go off of numbers provided by people that are also guessing.

  14. thatdudefromthattime

    Well, hopefully it works out for him and the team 🤷🏼

  15. SadYotesFan

    I think people should honestly be more excited for him

    If Danny traded down to get this kid, clearly he thought he might be a gem

    People are going to be upset at not drafting Buium, but we didn’t even think he would be a possibility at the start of the draft. There’s probably a reason he fell.

    I’d rather Danny go with the guy he likes, than go by the book. To eventually get out of the rebuild, we need creativity. We got a guy that is supposed to stick at center (which we needed) and fleeced Edmonton. Absolutely worth it imo

  16. HockeyNut2

    I like the pick. The kid looks like he can really make his teammates better with the way he makes plays/decisions so quickly. High IQ, skates and competes hard. I like how he distributes the puck, it’s like he sees the play before everyone else. Also how he gets to the dirty areas and has a quick stick. Looks good to me.

  17. sad-dave

    Coaches and scouts also talk about his cerebral way of playing and seeing the game. Very similar to how Michkov plays, but Jett’s speed and two way ability will keep him at center. After watching some highlights and reading about this kid I think this is a solid pick and not a reach. Time will tell.

  18. cjmaguire17

    #1 in name appeal too. I put a lot of stock into names

    Edit: why is this bold?!

  19. zia_zepelli

    Because most hockey fans are pretty casual in their knowledge, especially when it comes to prospects

  20. Sleezoid

    We also don’t know how the interviews with Buium went…

  21. His passing isn’t elite yet but you can see the flashes. Given his combine results, they picked the right center.

    High motor, forecheck, speed demon who is pass first and sound defensively. Sounds just like the guy they need to feed Michkov the puck.

  22. a_toadstool

    If analysts were so good they’d be a GM lol.


    for 20 years it was complaining about signing aging FA’s and being a 1st or 2nd round knock out at best. Flyers start to actually rebuild and everyone still complains.

  24. I don’t hate Jett. I’m actually excited to see what he can become. There’s a ton about him to be optimistic about.

    That being said, there is also plenty of room to be critical of the Flyers’ process in drafting him. Obviously, the board didn’t fall their way, and none of the trade-ups materialized. They still admitted they didn’t take bpa. I liked trading down and grabbing an extra 3rd, but Helenius is just a more skilled player right now. Jett could obviously become more skilled, but that’s not a given.

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