@Rangers de New York

Les rumeurs concernant l’échange de Jacob Trouba par les Rangers à Detroit se multiplient

Les Rangers et les Red Wings semblent se battre pour les services de Patrick Kane, qui sera disponible en tant qu’agent libre lundi s’il ne signe pas de prolongation avec Detroit.



  1. NYCSportsFan

    As much hate as he gets on here for both his game and his contract, it seems like a lot of other teams want him. So that’s cool

  2. wholegeek

    It’d certainly be cool if we didn’t have to retain as much salary as the article speculates.

  3. blueline7677

    I’ll believe it when I see it with anything NYR related. But I’d love to be able to get rid of Trouba and actually get something even if we need to retain salary

  4. lionson76

    I don’t really understand what Yzerman is doing with Detroit. Why would he clear Walman’s $3.4M cap hit only to turn around and invest more than that acquiring Trouba? I’m not complaining if this is true though. While I don’t want Trouba run out of town as much as others, I can’t deny that his salary is a problem.

    Gonna be a wild Monday!

  5. HealthyBackground5

    Wow i wonder what stevie y’s obsession with crappy overpaid defensemen is… most overrated gm in the league imo

  6. Cute-Escape2751

    2.5 million still seems like a lot of wasted cap space, but I guess that is the price they have to pay to trade him.

    And man, I really don’t want them to bring back Kane. The team does not need him.

  7. Beelzebub_86

    Man…. you know that flying elbow will come back to haunt us and make us pay.

  8. Cup-n-BallHog

    Stevie Y is too smart to do something so dumb. Still, it would be nice for the Rangers to win at least one trade made with him

  9. Key-Tip-7521

    Ffs I just want this to end. And if it results in getting Kane(who doesn’t defend) I’d be furious.

    But hey, a good chunk of the fan base wants Kane back and Trouba gone

  10. lnfln1ty

    I don’t know everything Drury has cooked up over the next few days.. seems like he has a plan though. I have faith in him. Either way this will be the summer that defines him as GM.

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