@Canadiens de Montréal

Michael Hage sur son repêchage par les Habs

Michael Hage sur son repêchage par les Canadiens



  1. CarlSK777

    If he makes it, he’ll become a fan favorite

  2. mrwiregaming

    I appreciate the interviewer’s empathy. What a great kid we drafted.

  3. Shoddy-Wear-9661

    Move out of the way Hutson I got a new favourite prospect

  4. Extreme-Leather7748

    The pain in those eyes though, damn. Really excited to see him develop

  5. Minato_is_God

    I’m really rooting for this dude, can’t help but feel happy for him with his story and the skill is there.

  6. AiurHoopla

    Who’s cutting the damn onions in here.

  7. Nimbus_m00n

    This kid is going to be special, his dad will be smiling down on him when he dawns the blue blanc et rouge!

  8. Dank_Bubu

    As soon as I heard he was a habs fan living in Toronto I was sold

  9. I’m ready to go through the wall for this kid… whatever his ceiling is, I hope he blows past it.

  10. commodore_stab1789

    Happy for the kid, happy for the team. Win-win. Don’t need him to score 100 pts per season, but if he can become a solid player that’ll be a win.

  11. JacquesEvans

    Make it my favourite draft in forever by taking Koivu please

  12. xen0m0rpheus

    The last Habs fan that grew up in Toronto that we drafted was Subban. Hope this kid kills it even harder than him. Seems like a really good kid with a level head on his shoulders.

  13. Gaiterguy

    As someone who lost his dad at a young age, I can relate to this kid. I hope he gets to hoist the cup at the Bell Center.

  14. dillybomb420

    Jeff Marek was licking his chops whenever a player had past trauma or incident.

  15. Barbuffe

    What I like most about the new management is that they are looking for talent AND good humans! Look at them all, it’s amazing!

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