@Canadiens de Montréal

Les 25 derniers matchs de cette année reprennent les joueurs éligibles.

Les 25 derniers matchs de cette année reprennent les joueurs éligibles.



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  2. JohnyZoom

    Wow this is exactly how I recruit free agents in my fantasy league! Where do I send my resume 

  3. Seb_Nation

    Some may say that he started the year slow because of his father’s passing and then really got things going.

  4. Phillakai

    its hard to compare, but yeah still impressive

  5. Loses_Bet

    Grain of salt tbh. The level of competition that demidov has played is probably lower than most players on the list

  6. Extreme-Leather7748

    I was a little disappointed that we just missed out on Eiserman but I’m absolutely pumped for Hage

  7. Fleche_de_feu

    Ngl celebrini stats are even more impressive considering he was 17 playing with 20+ players and scored that amount of goals but hage and demidov make me excited for whats to come next

  8. pm_me_your_bands

    Can still pick up Becher with a later round pick too!

  9. mojo_rasin

    If I am reading this correctly, we might as well all stop watching. It’s going to be boring to watch anymore with Montreal winning Stanley cups every year.

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