@Golden Knights de Vegas

🚨 ALERTE ÉCHANGE 🚨 Les Golden Knights ont acquis un choix de 3e ronde en 2024 et un choix de 3e ronde en 2025 des Capitals de Washington en échange du gardien Logan Thompson.

🚨 ALERTE COMMERCIALE 🚨 Les Golden Knights ont acquis un choix de 3e ronde en 2024 et un choix de 3e ronde en 2025 des Capitals de Washington en échange du gardien Logan Thompson.



  1. YaboyChris28

    Huh?? We pretty much gave him away for two lottery tickets. He was already on a cheap contract. There must be a reason that we don’t know about

  2. I guess they didn’t want to pay him next year. Sad to see him go, my Reverse Retro 2.0 is a Thompson.

  3. miguelkicks

    This seems dumb it’s not for cap space since his contract is low. I know his contract is up next year feels like could of waited and got more later in the year

  4. The-Power-Stone

    Curious as to the thought process behind this, whether it be Injury concerns, looking to extend Hill over LT, or faith in Patera. Compensation is fine but Thompson makes pennies on the dollar and cheap production is hard to come by.

    Ultimately I think scheme and team defense is good enough to make any serviceable goalie play well in a tandem but it’s still sad to see him go. Forever a champion.

  5. Throw_away91251952

    This fucking sucks and makes no sense. If you’re trying to clear cap space, why trade the cheapest player on the team. If you’re trying to amass draft picks, Adin Hill was being asked for too.

    What the fuck Vegas

  6. joey_1324

    This trade doesn’t make sense. We traded a solid goalie peanuts and we really didn’t clear any cap space since we now have to replace him.

  7. RoombaArmy

    I have no fucking idea about what they are thinking. Thompson makes pennies and he’s a pretty decent goalie.

    I trust our front office, but zero clues about what the fuck they’re thinking. Love Thompsy, sad to see him go.

  8. Honestly, he wasn’t very consistent this year so not surprising we moved him just thought we would get more.

  9. They better give us capfriendly access for this trade WHAT THE FUCK MAN

  10. devillianOx

    what?? oh god this was like the main thing i didn’t want to happen 😭😭

  11. Knights_When

    Drafted a racist and traded Logan. Quite a 24 hour span for the Knights. If the news hits that Marchy left comes in today it might kill someone.

  12. FloralDemon

    I don’t get this at all. Major bummer.

  13. friskyjude

    Traded while in the building signing autographs for the fans. Never change, Kelly. Now we get to go find a backup who will more likely than not be worse and cost more. Win-win!

  14. RumAndCoco

    To be fair, there were goalie trade rumors for sometime now. I’m just surprised it’s for two 3rd round picks. Hopefully Hill can get up to speed and stay healthy throughout 2024/25 and we can find some good company for him too if the FO doesn’t put Patera in for back up

  15. HurricaneHomer9

    Don’t really get the goal here. He performed greatly against the Stars

  16. icemandabs710

    I didn’t realize so many VGK fans were psychics. Very cool 🙄

  17. skilzkid

    I’m really trying to wrap my head around this. As other comments mentioned, it can’t be a cap space thing. Any replacement goalie will not provide the same value – they will either be crappy entry level or more expensive.

    Completely unfounded, but I have read rumors that LT was kind of an arrogant douche, like hitting on other players/employees WAGs – getting rid of him because of potential organizational risk is the closest I can come to this making any sense, but that is quite a reach based on rumor

    I do not like this trade at all

  18. SRSgoblin

    Yeah nah, I don’t get this one. Unless this is building goodwill with the Capitals for some future trade, I’m scratching my head here.

  19. I’m really struggling to believe that there wasn’t another team out there that would’ve paid more. Maybe it’s something about being in the same division, but I feel like the Oilers would give their left leg to get Thompson, he gets paid nothing and is a significant upgrade on what they have.

    Makes no sense to me.

  20. winsbyboxes808

    Maybe what they saw against Dallas concerned the front office?

  21. ThanosDDC

    Cya LT. Now let’s find us a real #1 goalie for the team and not just glorified back ups.

  22. crazifang

    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day has be ruined.

  23. Skelassassin

    I hate this trade ALOT LT is worth so much more then 2 fucking 3rds

  24. NoahtheRed

    Yeah, genuinely baffled by this trade, leaving me to assume that there’s more to it behind the scenes. I doubt we’ll ever get the full story unless McCrimmon writes a tell-all or LT says something.

    Just wondering where this goes next, now.

  25. Wafflemonster2

    I have to assume they have faith in Lindbom coming to the AHL or possibly even NHL? He’s certainly an exciting goalie prospect, but man what a risky move for cap reasons alone.

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