@Capitals de Washington

Les Capitals acquièrent le gardien de but Logan Thompson de Vegas en échange de choix.

« Les Capitals acquièrent le gardien de but Logan Thompson de Vegas pour des choix ».



  1. FatBoySpeaks

    GMBM very busy. Guess Shepard and Stevenson are back in the AHL next season.

  2. TweakTheBeef

    trading picks for a mid backup when we already have options in the minors is so fucking stupid

  3. GMBM having a fantastic draft so far. Thompson is a good 1B guy — will work well in a tandem with Chucky. Can’t say this team isn’t improved from last season so far.

  4. We might be loading up for a bigger signing in FA or using our deep bench in goal as trade bait.

  5. SnitchMoJo

    From an outsider view, i feel this is … stupid?

    You have Hunter Shepard who brought Hershey twice to the final (and won) and you dont even consider him for the backup role?

    Oh well

    Edit: Thanks alot for your explanation on Shepard play, guys. Now i can understand the trade better

  6. thisshirtisblacknaht

    Hell yea. Definitely has starter potential should Chucky regress and is yet another UFA for next year. Will have tons of flexibility and desirable assets at the deadline once again.

  7. pleasespareserotonin

    They were not fucking kidding when they said the Caps would have a busy off-season, my goodness. I like that BMac is showing that he’s serious about making improvements.

  8. DaniCapsFan

    I guess that answers the goalie question.

  9. indranet_dnb

    Great move, I won the cup with him as Caps in chel and that game is never unrealistic or incorrect at all

  10. UnderCoverDoughnuts


    I take Thompson in Franchise Mode all the time; I’m so hyped for this!

  11. mattcojo2

    Love it love it love it.

    Logan Thompson is a capable goaltender. Putting him in a tandem with Charlie would work

  12. CapsGoGoGo

    Excellent move. I’m still surprised we were able to move Kuemper–and still thrilled about it

  13. alwaysjetlagged

    We now have two solid goalies with NHL experience, both on phenomenal contacts. I expect we can extend one starting 2025 because we’ll have more money (kuzy 3.9, patches bonus, oshie and others) available.

    Great move for next season. Love this

  14. HotIce05

    I really hope this works out but I was hoping we’d call up Shep from Hershey. He deserves to have his time to shine.

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