@Devils du New Jersey

Les Devils ont acquis F Paul Cotter et Vegas Third en 2025 pour Alexander Holtz et Akira Schmid

Les Devils ont acquis F Paul Cotter et Vegas Third en 2025 pour Alexander Holtz et Akira Schmid



  1. atoms12123

    They must really think nothing of Alexander Holtz.

  2. ScrewOff_

    i dont give a fuck what anyone says this might be the dumbest fucking trade in the history of the team

    Holtz had 28 points last season and Cotter had 25. What a fucking desperate trade for grit wow

  3. stanley_g00dspeed

    Guess we know that it wasn’t just Lindy that hated Holtz

  4. Immediate reaction is that’s not a great return for Holtz.. damn

  5. eburton555

    What the fuck? This is a head scratcher. Their value combined can’t be that low that they are worth less playing for Utica?

  6. DevilJacket2000

    This is a horrific trade. Absolutely horrific.

  7. quantum_monster

    Who the fuck is Paul Cotter? We fuck over Holtz all last season and throw him away for what? What the fuck is this trade?

  8. TallTalent

    Bah gawd it’s Lindy Ruff from the top rope!

  9. ClassicCanadian6

    Why are we acting like holtz has any value? Both the gm and coach don’t like him and I guarantee other gms don’t value him highly either. I’ll gladly take cotter being a solid 3C over Holtz being played in the bottom 6 getting 8 minutes a night

  10. specifichero101

    Devils really don’t value holtz apparently. Schmid I was not high on either he looks terribly slow, but I think this might be giving up on holtz too soon but at least we get a huge guy who can play centre.

  11. Wow
    This is the first Fitz move I’ve really HATED off the bat. This wasn’t a good trade even without Schmid thrown in..

  12. bluepress

    Finally we have a thread where we find out the actual value the rest of the league had for Holtz wasn’t what Devils fans thought it would be.

  13. JerseyDvl

    Maybe Holtz turns into what we dreamed Holtz will be, maybe he doesn’t.

    Even if he doesn’t this trade is *terrible*. If you tried to make this trade in a video game the game would disallow it for being too lopsided.

  14. roothockey

    Why is everyone freaking out. Holtz had next to no value. He didn’t make the Sweden team, he was passed over by zetterlund and muk in the trade deal. Numerous coaches put him in the dog house. Maybe the player just isn’t that good. Paul cotter is a solid bottom 6 forward and we desperately need a better bottom 6

  15. DavidPuddy666

    Don’t like the trade but Cotter will be a good McLeod replacement.

  16. Not that I love this trade, but the reality is that Fitz is clearly working the phones with multiple teams and several trades having now gone down. Yet this is the best that Holtz could yield in trade – tough pill to swallow, but apparently other teams aren’t that keen on him.

    I recall a reporter mentioning that the Flames getting Bahl instead of Holtz may have been by their choice too…

  17. wonderul31

    To start Holtz was one of my favorite guys on the team. However it was pretty clear to me that our front office didn’t see him as a top 6 guy and we decided to get a player who fits the physical style we want to play in the bottom 6. Also think schmiids agent made it clear that he didn’t want to resign with us so at least we get something in return. The fanboy in me absolutely hates this trade but going through it in my head I can see the vision that Fitz has with this trade. Bye Holtzy and Schmido we will definitely miss them!

  18. Brettski_15

    This just means we are gonna have to sign some big gun too 6 forward

  19. Scoob1978

    I wish my enemies hated me as much as the Devils hated Holtz

  20. Mattwin1999

    Why trade Schmid at his lowest value. At least maybe he could’ve been called up again, look good and trade him to idk the leafs for a 2nd or 3rd

  21. whoisthisherb

    Are we all just ignoring the face that Holtz was also cut by Sweden in this year’s IIHF in favor for three non-NHLers? Who do you think knows more, a bunch of armchair GMs where a large portion have probably never even played a game of hockey that isn’t on a gaming console or dozens of professional managers across multiple leagues and offices?  Stop acting like this was a McDavid for Yakupov trade 

  22. dan4hockey99

    At face value this looks bad. If you understand hockey, you cannot win a cup with holtz in the bottom six. Our window is now open. There is no space for him in the top six. He is the odd man out. Schmid isn’t developing fast enough for management and they went and got a needed piece. Fitz is assembling a roster that is extremely more formidable and gritty (if the UFA rumors are true) than last years team. Say what you will but in order to do that you need to give up pieces, which right now we currently do not need. Wish holtz and akira the best in vegas, but something needed to be done.

  23. Tmattfie30

    Honestly hope that Holtz goes over there and just fucks shit up. Prove the haters wrong my boi

  24. Hcnif123

    Bit of a bizarre trade from Fitz, and I’m a bit bemused at the direction he’s going in. I understand we needed to get “tougher” etc but he’s sacrificing a fair amount. We need a huge free agency

  25. treeGuerin

    Wow… I want to have faith in Fitz but this is a tough one to grasp.

    I know Schmid didn’t play many games for us in the grand scheme of things but his performance against the rags last postseason is enough to make him one of my favorite players from this era.

  26. bluepress

    Once you are picked, it doesn’t matter where you were drafted, it matters what you do on the ice.

    Your value is what the rest of the NHL says it is.

  27. pretzelogically

    I can just see it now this kid is gonna get ripped by all the armchair dum dums until they see how he hits anything that moves and has a little bit of a scoring touch. Give me 4 – 5 big, nasty, physical bottom six players like Cotter who can also contribute 10-12 goals any day of the week. We have enough high end scoring talent. We need to build a team with some depth and versatily now.

  28. Donex101

    Holtz lovers losing their minds in here. Dude is mid

  29. NYDevilsFan

    This one stings when you consider the fact this was our top pick after the disaster of a season we had in 2019-2020.

    Then add to the fact the players drafted after him; Seth Jarvis, Lundell, & Askarov not too far after him.

  30. Ok_Jackfruit_5181

    I didn’t love Holtz as much as others here, but we could have gotten a bit more than this. Paul Cotter is bottom barrel depth player.

  31. Impossible-Pepper617

    Holtz breakout season incoming.

  32. peppy871

    Can’t wait to watch Holtz score 30 and Schmid under an actual goalie coach and a good team rebound into the goalie we saw against the Rangers.

    If Devils don’t make the playoffs this year, Fitz should be gone.

  33. powatwain


    Schmid for Cotter

    Holtz for a 3rd

    SJ didn’t want him, Calgary didn’t want him, he couldn’t make Sweden

    It’s not likely Fitz just didn’t try to find value for him

  34. Who is going to look after markstorm’s kids now??? We needed holtz to take that role

  35. Soggy-Firefighter371

    How do any of you clowns justify the insane value you expected for Holtz? GMs work the league constantly for deals. If you believe holtz has insane value, please educate the rest of us (and apparently NHL GMs)

  36. fartswhenhappy

    Just call us the Titan submersible because this sub is imploding.

  37. artofmikeychristiano

    Look into Paul Cotter DUDE HITS!! We need this.

  38. If Cotter is a solid bottom 6 forward he’ll have more of an impact on the team than Holtz did last year

  39. Redditface_Killah

    Don’t hate this. We need to get bigger. We have plenty of guys who can score goals.

  40. cody-has93

    Clearly Holtz’s value is closer to what Fitz and Ruff were seeing than what this subreddit of armchair GMs thinks.

    Wish I could say I’m surprised.

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