@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Mise à jour très décevante de Jake

Si nous avions arrêté de faire des bêtises, il aurait probablement démissionné plus tôt. Au lieu de cela, il semble que son prix augmente ou qu’il ait des intérêts ailleurs. Perdre Gunetzel, Necas et Turbo serait assez difficile à accepter.



  1. MayfieldMightfield

    “The market changed” after having a deal on the table in principle…seems like bad form

    Edit: for those talking about the Canes waiting around too long, the last credible information was that Jake’s camp ask was 8×8 and the Canes met that. Any change in direction beyond that is truly bad form.

  2. XJudgeBootyX

    I’m already prepped for the worst. We have to be going for contingency plans now, wonder what they entail.

    He would get my more money through taxes in Florida. And living at a millionaire in Vancouver would be dope. Hard to beat that.

  3. flygupp15

    He’s the No 1 avail free agent, I’m sure whatever press is released is a distraction to the opposing fan bases.

    Don’t believe everything you read on the internet

  4. DrMantisToboggan22

    We meet his ask and he still likely moves elsewhere. If that’s the case he never really wanted to be here. Fuck em.

  5. HockeyGuy601

    Gearing up to be a pretty terrible offseason because apparently most pending free agents already know where they are signing and we haven’t heard any linked to the Canes.

  6. CasTimber

    If we lose him because we waited until the last minute to agree to the 8×8 that he wanted all along, that is truly gonna suck.

  7. p0shbadger

    Front office already upped their offer to his camp once. If he’s determined to draw out the process then let him sign elsewhere, good riddance.

    Lock down Necas for the year, extend Jarvis, and then plan for next offseason.

  8. Mr_Panther

    If Jake wanted to stay it would be done. He’s as good as gone and I’ve accepted that. Now I can be shocked and joyous if that changes

  9. Dinker31

    We thought Tarasenko was a Hurricane less than a year ago. Don’t trust anything until you see the player in a jersey. None of this matters

  10. While this certainly could be posturing, it’s certainly starting to appear that almost all big name free agents each year simply don’t want to come to Carolina via Free Agency. Trade may be our best bet

  11. All I have to say is that I’m glad I dropped season tickets going forward.

  12. 88Caniac88

    Should have never gotten to this point. Arguing over a half million or a million for a true top line guy is amazing. But everyone loved the new golden boy GM….

  13. Caniac1017

    Prime example of why DW left. If you want the big names, you gotta pay them what they want. For all good Dundon has done, it’s bullshit like this at the last minute that’s ultimately going to doom this cup run. Hardball works with bottom 6 guys. Not elite talent. Now we won’t have him and be stuck with the bread crumbs again come Monday.

  14. SpentGladiator77

    Great. Probably why Necas to Columbus fell through too, he must be the backup plan if Guentzel leaves. Because there’s nothing a reportedly unhappy player loves like being the second choice. This is looking bad. I hope I’m wrong but yikes.

  15. Carolina_913

    Yeesh. What makes so many free agents get close to signing here and then change face as soon as a deal gets close to being done? If we end up losing in a race to sign guentzel, we need to ask some questions lol

  16. Blueberry_1995

    I appreciate what the front office has done these years, but when you have the biggest fish on the market in your hands you have got to be a bit more aggressive with this approach. It will be a huge disappointment if he goes to another team on the East if it’s because we were waiting too long to make a push

  17. Canes12345678

    From being really excited yesterday to disappointed today what a turn of events in less than 24 hours lol

  18. wolfsrudel_red

    I got downvoted to hell earlier this year for saying the cup window is closed, but it is so joever

  19. Quixlequaxle

    Why do I get the feeling that Jake (and/or his agent) are just using the Canes to set the low bar for a high FA offer come Monday? 

  20. timbuttons

    Come on canes FO, I’m already a Carolina Panthers fan

  21. packpride85

    If he gets to UFA status before canes can sign him he is 100% gone. Someone will throw stupid money at him like 7×10 that we won’t match.

  22. socialaxolotl

    This is why contract leaks are fucking awful

    He saw everyone’s reaction to 8 being too low and now he’s going after more

    Back to square one with this team

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