@Kraken de Seattle

Le Kraken sélectionne Nathan Villeneuve avec le 63e choix au total lors du repêchage de la LNH 2024

Villeneuve mesure 5’11" centre qui a inscrit 23 buts et 27 passes pour 50 points en 56 matchs pour les Wolves de Sudbury de l’OHL.

Note: Villeneuve a été suspendu par l’OHL en mars pour des commentaires sur un autre joueur – https://chl.ca/ohl/article/ohl-conclut-son-enquete-sur-le-club-de-hockey-des-wolves-de-sudbury/, https://www.sportsnet.ca/juniors/article/two-sudbury-wolves-players-suspended-for-inapproprié-group-chat-comments/

Rapports de dépistage

Projet de contenu de la soirée

Analyse de personnes bien informées

Corey Pronman, L’Athlétique, https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5595355/2024/06/28/kraken-draft-picks-grades-2024/

Analyse : Villeneuve a connu une solide saison au sein d’une équipe profonde de Sudbury, même s’il a été suspendu dans le cadre de l’enquête de la Ligue de l’Ontario sur un programme de primes. Le troisième choix au repêchage de la OHL est un attaquant complet. C’est un patineur fort avec beaucoup de rythme dans son jeu. Il rivalise avec acharnement et, grâce à sa foulée puissante, il bourdonne souvent sur la glace. Il joue vite et possède un bon niveau qui devrait lui permettre de marquer en tant que pro. La question est de savoir s’il va marquer à un niveau majeur. Il voit bien la glace, mais je ne qualifierais pas ses compétences pures ou sa vision de traits remarquables, il reste donc à voir dans quel rôle il se situe aux niveaux supérieurs.

Patrick Bacon, Top Down Hockey, 51e au classement général




  1. Picklepucks

    Look I know it’s another centre but this one’s a rat which we could use in the bottom six for sure

  2. tonytanti

    Another one! At least he is out of the OHL

  3. TheAtomicMonkey


  4. Winter-Outside-4365

    ahhhhhh not a bad pick but i wanted Mews

  5. Icy-Book2999

    I mean, I guess he’s fixing the scoring problems 3-4 years from now by drafting so many centers?

  6. SiccSemperTyrannis

    Ron Francis and CHL centers


  7. surfingeagles

    Man, Francis saw how bad the offense was and said « no defense until the offense get better!!! »

  8. ThrownAwayintoLF

    I don’t know what they’re Dune but I trust they’ve got a Part II to this plan.

  9. Olbaidon

    Gonna copy and paste this to every forward pick:

    I think another thing that is important for people to know is how quickly hockey draft picks drop off after the first round.

    Nearly all first round picks since 2014 played in at-least some NHL games, 85% of them playing in a 100 or more games.

    Since 2014 33% of second round picks never even saw the NHL, and only around 50% saw over 100 games.

    Hit the 3rd round and half of all picks never made the NHL with only 15% playing more than 100 games.

    Weirdly enough more 4th round picks since 2014 have played in the NHL that 3rd, not by much but still

    Because of all this best pick is usually the beats strategy especially after round one.


    More info here

  10. seataccrunch

    Honestly this is fucking stupid at this point

  11. Thirsty-Octopus

    Calm down about the Centers. Taking who they view as the best available player is never a bad option. Whatever the team needs are doesn’t matter, these kids are all most likely years away from making a difference, who knows what the needs are then.

    If you have a surplus you can always trade & you can never have enough Centers. Forwards typically develop faster than other positions & Centers can more easily transition to the wings.

  12. Kindly_League9913

    5 picks 3 centers 1 defenders 1 goalies. I almost fell down when he actually drafted a defenseman something that we actually are in short supply in our pipeline

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