@Predators de Nashville

Selon Elliotte Friedman, Barry Trotz recherche un très bon joueur de la LNH ou un espoir très prometteur qui n’est pas un gardien de but en échange de Yaroslav Askarov

Il semble que l’échange avec Askarov gagne du terrain, mais même si rien ne se passe pour le moment, il semble que la direction privilégie Saros plutôt qu’Askarov dans un avenir prévisible.



  1. _Dirty_Commie_

    Friedman also says that the there has been a lot of interest from other teams and that Trotz is confident he can make a “very good trade.”

  2. Square_Dimension5648

    I’m on board but also kill me.

    (Look at my flair)

  3. Square_Dimension5648

    Do we think this trade happens today?

  4. Maxim-98

    not necessarily opposed to a prospect swap but which teams would be willing to do that at this point in time?

  5. Bluecricket5

    Good, askarov is overvalued by most in this sub lol

  6. Throwaway87271625552

    I really don’t want to be negative but what kind of a “rebuild” is it where you choose the 29 year old and give him 8 years instead of the 22 year old #1 goalie prospect in the world. They really are gonna lose in the first round forever huh


  7. RustyNipples35

    Trading Askarov to stick with Saros and trying to compete with this awful, paper thin roster would be such a donkey brain move…

  8. heckingex

    So we sign an 8 year deal with a goalie who has been struggling behind this defense for the last couple years and give away our young #1 prospect without letting him touch the ice..

  9. heyethan

    I’m surprised by the upvote downvote circle jerk in this sub being as it is. Majority seems to think we should have traded Saros and had askarov step in. If you aren’t trying to go through a full rebuild and your star goalie (who is a Vezina finalist regularly, is elite in his position + one of the most consistent goalies in the league) is willing to stay for a 1-2 mil discount, you keep the star goalie every single time. Askarov will make a great trade asset and may well make a great goalie someday, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushel or whatever they say… glad this sub isn’t our GM and we don’t have to drag this team through the slog of rebuilding for years (which we have seen has no guarantee of success for a decade+… see Buffalo / Edmonton). We have one of the better prospect pools in the league and young talent who can replace aging guys. I’m not saying next season is a lock for the lightning in a bottle of this past season, but if we get a high end forward from Askarov and some of our younger guys like Evangelista take a step forward, we could be looking at a formidable team to play against for years to come. (And frankly one that looks well built for playoff hockey IMO)

  10. Ready-steady

    My armchair GM guess: Barry is testing worth and if something is worth securing, he’ll bite. But what that looks like doesn’t make sense for the current available players.

  11. ElJacinto

    I’m not a huge fan of how all of this has played out, TBH.

    I know Askarov is unproven, but his ceiling is much higher than Saros.’

  12. Kevinwithak

    Look at the market for 30 year old goaltenders. Its a first round and AHL player and maybe a goalie swap. Goaltenders don’t fetch pay days. Teams that want them want proven and typically proven are older. I say sit and wait its better to have a goalie controversy than giving away for next to nothing. How underwhelming was the Ullmark trade? They don’t have to go down the same path. If askarov is that much better I say come and take it. At best split the season 50/50 and see how they do in the playoffs

  13. Music_City_Madman

    I wanna see a 1-2 of Juicy and Asky.

    DO NOT trade Asky right now

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