@Wild du Minnesota

Au 122e rang (apporté par l’échange de Lettieri), le Wild a repêché Aron Kiviharju, du HIFK. Il a été très bien préparé il y a quelques années. Défenseur intelligent, compétent et de petite taille.

Au 122e rang (apporté lors de l’échange Lettieri), le Wild repêchage Aron Kiviharju du HIFK. Très fortement endurci il y a quelques années. Défenseur intelligent, compétent et de petite taille.



  1. jordynbebus8

    is 5’11 really undersized these days? Cale Makar, Hughes? all by definition undersized

  2. _granny64

    What an amazing pick. I would have been fine with him in round 2. A few years ago he was projected to go top 5. I love how Judd is targeting the smartest defensemen. He is « undersized » but is still 2 or 3 inches taller than Spurgeon and 20 pounds heavier. 

  3. KaprizusKhrist

    What made him drop so much, he was on the ‘best available remaining players board’ on espn just about all of last night.

  4. pitman121

    Whatever Judd is cooking, I want a plate.

  5. gerbegerger

    From MTL, was curious to see your reactions about this pick. I’m astounded he dropped so low. Played very well in the U18 championships.

  6. Sad_Error_7166

    So, Wild bullish on defensemen I take it

  7. charlton11

    Rachel Doerrie had him as the 27th overall prospect and 5th best available after the first round. Ritchie was her 20th overall and best available after the first as well.

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