@Sabres de Buffalo

Mesdames et Messieurs… Ce fut un honneur et un privilège de vous offrir tous ces jambons cuits à la vapeur au fil des années. GMKA a confirmé le rachat de Skinner… Nous n’oublierons jamais toi et tes chansons de but malade, Jeff. Un jour, tu vas cuire le gros jambon à la vapeur, mec.

Mesdames et messieurs… Ce fut un honneur et un privilège de vous proposer tous ces jambons cuits à la vapeur au fil des ans. GMKA a confirmé le rachat de Skinner… Nous ne vous oublierons jamais, ni vos chansons de but géniales, Jeff. Tu vas cuire le gros jambon à la vapeur un jour, mec.



  1. StartButtonPress

    Truly I’ll miss the steamed hams the most

  2. Major-Rule2301

    I’m way more sad than I thought I would be 😔

  3. anxietykitty

    Monkeys paw for my wish for him to make the playoffs…….

  4. schwarma_mcpotato

    He was great for vibes. We need to stop paying 1st line prices for 2nd/3rd line players.

  5. suspect108

    I will miss all of the streamed hams and the bangers of the goal songs.

  6. Lugy_The_Meh

    We shall miss the teenage girl goal song next season

  7. I will not miss putting newly drafted 20 year olds in a room with a 30 year old making $9m a year who does not believe in doing anything that isn’t fun and is contractually unpunishable

  8. Environmental-Boss50


  9. Minuarvea1

    How do I agree this is right but still be sad at the same time? 😞

  10. PurrOfACat

    He’s my favorite Sabre and I’m so sad to see him go. It’s completely taken away any enthusiasm I have for next year.
    Hoping the best for him, including lots of goals, playoffs, and a cup!

  11. Eagerly awaiting what KA’s plan for goals will be for next season…. Both Goals For and PP were in the bottom half of the league.

    Ahh, Jeff… he had his moments… He was a passionate player, top 10 in chirping for sure..but his best years are behind him and that contract now seems hard to live up to…

    Good luck Jeff!

  12. Terrible_Marionberry

    Well, it’s going to be awkward wearing my Skinner jersey in Prague and he’s not there. He’s one of my favourite players but his contract was just too much when you have so many players to sign so I get it.

    R.I.P steamed hams, between 2 stalls and fun goal songs.

  13. Schmittykins

    I am not saying this in any type of combative way –

    If we don’t get close to the cap in free agency, what benefits do we have to cut him at this time?

  14. TrueCrimeRunner92

    I’m genuinely bummed. I want him to get to the playoffs because he deserves it but man, am I gonna miss him so much. I forgot that I get too emotionally invested in hockey players that there’s always the chance they’ll move on to better teams 😭😭

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