@Flyers de Philadelphie

Les Flyers repêchent C/W Jett Luchanko après s’être échangé à 13 ; PHLY Flyers réagit en direct | PHLY Sports

Après avoir fait un échange avec le Wild du Minnesota au 12e rang pour descendre d’une place au 13e rang, le directeur général Danny Briere et les Flyers de Philadelphie repêchent le centre/ailier Jett Luchanko, un tireur droitier et rapide de l’OHL. Bill et Kelly donnent leurs réactions instantanées depuis Chickie’s et Pete’s à South Philadelphia, y compris une certaine surprise et un choc avec le choix et le repêchage global. #nhl #hockey #flyers #letsgoflyers #flyershockey #nhldraft Une production du réseau ALLCITY ABONNEZ-VOUS : www.youtube.com/@PHLY_Sports TOUT CE QUI CONCERNE PHLY : SITE WEB : http://allPHLY.com/ ACHETEZ DES PRODUITS DÉRIVÉS : http://PHLYLocker.com ÉVÉNEMENTS : https://allPHLY.com/events SUIVEZ-NOUS SUR LES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX : Twitter : @PHLY_Sports Instagram : @PHLY_Sports Rejoignez-nous EN DIRECT en semaine à 13 h HNE pour nos émissions hors saison du podcast PHLY Flyers ! Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube pour ne rien manquer. Vous souhaitez figurer dans Mailbag Question of the Day ? Envoyez vos questions par DM à @PHLY_Flyers sur Twitter/X – assurez-vous de suivre le compte ! Apprenez-en plus sur les espoirs du repêchage de la LNH de cette année avec la série Prospect Preview de Charlie O’Connor, diffusée tous les jours à 12 h HNE sur notre chaîne YouTube. De nouveaux espoirs sont présentés chaque jour avant le repêchage ! Rendez-vous sur la playlist ici : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL41s9y86dRgyn9vOg-oo_GCHv425_aTk3


  1. After looking into Luchenko and hearing Dannys reasoning, I think this os an acceptable pick. However after hearing that we arent getting the blue jacket pick this year, I am worried about our lack of picks in the next 2 rounds. I was hoping we were going to be able to pick up a couple of skaters and then take Nabokov in the 3rd. Good thing our front office knows more than me. Go Flyers!!

  2. great, great pick by Danny B!! Absolutely love they were willing to use their own analysis rather than go with consensus.

  3. Good pick! It's not always about a rated player but how he fits your team or the puzzle!👍Go Flyers!

  4. I think he could play the next 2 years in Guelph and possibly make the team out of camp in 27, we don't know

    Also, you need a partner to trade back, right? otherwise what can you do?

  5. Watching Jett's and Danny's interviews, he definitely sounds like a player who would really impress teams. Late riser, great skater, young for the draft, apparently great work ethic. Could be a big time sleeper.

  6. I just don’t see how you can pass on a prospect like Buium that fell right into your lap.
    But as a Flyers fan, I hope Jett continues to improve and becomes a really good first or second line center in a couple years.

  7. Bill and Kelly’s reaction is all of us. And Torts likely won’t even be the coach when this kid is NHL-ready. I want more insight from Charlie on how this reach came to be and the team’s rationale for reaching like this.

  8. Sorry, but his weakness is not offensive upside. He has elite speed and has really good defensive instincts. He is only 17 and will get bigger and stronger. His combine stats are all top 5 as well. He is a freak and will be a 1C. Im calling it now.

  9. I’m a U of Denver alum and huge hockey fan. The Flyers are my fav team in the Eastern conference. They fucked up bad last night. Zeev is a special, special talent and this decision sucked.

  10. Jett is going to be a player after I read up on him and seen some of his highlights. Not way off the board at all too, he was rising fast. Other teams behind the flyers wanted him. Speed, work ethic, offensive upside. I thought Helenius too but give Jett a chance and some time. He’s only 17 too

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