@Lightning de Tampa Bay

SERGACHEV PARTI ?? | Le Lightning de Tampa Bay ÉCHANGE Mikhaïl Sergachev ET Tanner Jeannot !

Quelle journée… 7 belles années et c’est parti comme ça. Pourquoi le Lightning de Tampa Bay a-t-il fait ce geste et le retour est-il suffisant ? Merci d’avoir regardé ! Suivez-moi sur les réseaux sociaux ! Instagram : https://instagram.com/seth.buc?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@sethbuc?_t=8c6xIhyhsgU&_r=1 Twitter : https://twitter.com/Talkin_tampa


  1. Would not be suprised if someone else like cirelll or cernak moves too. The lightning seem to be big players this FA.

  2. Really sucks we had to pull the plug on Jeannot. He's not a bad player, just kind got caught in a whirlwind of bad things while he was here. People forget that for the brief time he got to play up in the lineup he was actually pretty good, throwing tons of hits and contributing on offense. Then Cooper basically stapled him to LG and killed any hopes he had of succeeding here. Couple that with nearly breaking his leg/blowing his knee out, a fresh start was required. Glad we got to recoup some of those assets.

  3. Stamkos should sign around 4.5, I think it was said in a report by Lebrun or Freedman. Maybe JBB had this up his sleeve the whole time and was lowballing Stammer's agent to get a respectable deal

  4. Jeez. We get McDonagh back for next season but lose Sergachev. Genuinely so hard to see stars leave, especially to a new market like Utah.

  5. serg never lived up to the deal he signed. also injury history isn’t great. lots of lower body injuries, likely the same nagging thing over and over. JBB did well offloading and getting a decent return with serg and jeannot. expendable LHD since we’re loaded on that side. everyone speculating guentzel/top 6 forward. would actually love them to resign stamkos and bring in a top 4 RHD.

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