@Panthers de la Floride

Ça va faire mal pendant longtemps.

OK les gars, il est temps de jeter un œil au match 7 de la finale de la Coupe Stanley… Entre les Oilers d’Edmonton et les Panthers de la Floride.. Les Panthers ont remporté la Coupe Stanley.. Gagner le match par un score final de 2-1. Cependant… peu importe ce que l’on dit, ce n’était pas une victoire facile. Les Oilers les ont affrontés jusqu’au septième match et ont tout mis en jeu. Décomposons celui-ci ! Les articles qui figuraient dans la vidéo étaient des captures d’écran de Habsfanatics.com, je vous recommande fortement de consulter ce site pour d’autres nouvelles des Habs, faites-moi savoir ce que vous pensez de celui-ci dans la section commentaires ! Si vous êtes un fan du Tricolore, ou simplement du hockey en général, pensez à vous abonner à ma chaîne, car je télécharge une tonne de contenu sur le hockey, et j’apprécierais vraiment d’être plus nombreux parmi vous, les sauterelles, à me suivre ! Pour soutenir ma chaîne, pensez à appuyer sur le bouton Rejoindre et devenez membre dès aujourd’hui. Accédez à des vidéos exclusives réservées aux membres, ainsi qu’aux publications de la communauté ! Si vous êtes récemment devenu un nouveau membre, n’oubliez pas de consulter les « 15 membres Only Video Playlist », lié ici.. : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq… Email : Hockeyjunkieemail@gmail.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/HockeyJunkie Discord Server : https://discord.gg/3jazrNmefY Twitter : https://twitter.com/HockeyJunkieYT Merch : https://streamlabs.com/hockeyjunkie/m… Et bien sûr, merci d’avoir regardé !


  1. It was the Panthers time, so McDavid stepped away like a leader does. It is about his team, and I am sure he knows that Barkov deserved it as much as he did.

  2. That's it. Season's over. What will happen to Junkie now? Will you return to the Sherwood Hockey Stick Forest from which you first emerged so many moons ago? Will you seek out the land of missing front teeth and never-ending Bodyarmor sports drink to gain wisdom for trades? Or will you be destined for a full off-season misconduct penalty to pay penance for your team's, uh, "lack-luster" performance? Please, tell us, oh enlightened one! Tell us this is not the end!!

  3. Connor McDavid is never winning a cup as an Oiler. that was his chance. next year they might make the playoffs, but no chance they'll get back to the cup. it was a miracle they even made it this far, and that is so sad.

  4. yeah, and the oilers aren't making it back to the finals anytime soon either; with or without mcd. they got incredibly lucky this year but all their inconsistent bullshit finally caught up to them. i mean, i guess that's what they're known for right? shitting the bed and choking when it matters the most lol

  5. You can give all the excuses to McSoreloser you want, you don't disrespect the league and your fans like that while making 12.5 a season. The Oilers can never be a deep team with the albatross contracts they have. These 9+ million dollar contracts are not sustainable and will handicap team building in the future.

    You gotta teach kids how to lose gracefully when you're the face of the NHL. Poor example, I don't buy the "because he's a leader bs".

  6. Loss is part of life and it comes in many forms and this was definitely one of them and it'll stay with those Edmonton players for the rest of their lives-losing game 7 in the Stanley Cup Finals and yes I was pulling for the Oilers hoping they could do something that hasn't been done in 82 years and they came so close which further compounds the loss-also I can't blame McDavid for not coming out to accept that trophy for the reasons I've mentioned.

  7. McDavid should NOT be the Captain… he plays too much showing off his skills when Urgent and the Winning is more Important. Kane or Draisaitl should be the Captain. Oilers status right now is like having Lemieux/Jagr and Gretzky/Messier duos but without a Cup. Lemieux/Messier being Draisaitl.😊

  8. Great for the growth of hockey that four of the last five Cups came from the Sun Belt and all from America for 31 years

  9. Hey, hoping to see you around in the next season! I really love your work, keep it up! Enjoy summer brake time now 😉

  10. It's gonna feel GOOD for a long time. I can tell you Lord Stanley partied all night at the Elbo Room and had an epic day at the beach today!

  11. Im guessing those hating on McDavid are either Florida fans who wanted to see Bob get it, or the type of people who take things personally that have nothing to do with them.

  12. I was really rooting for the Oilers. After the rough start, their comeback was beautiful to watch. Congrats to the Panthers, but I've gotta say this was the first time I felt a bit melancholy after a Stanley Cup Final in a long time. It seemed their comeback was gonna be historic, and I was hoping for it. (I'm a Leafs/Vikings fan, so I'm used to let-downs.)

  13. Mc Donalds contacted Mc David and Instead of naming a store called “Mc David’s Mc Donald’s” they now said they Would make a Sandwich called the “Mc Pu$$y” for his poor performance and years of Bogus hype.
    It will be a Tiny weak sandwich with No flavour, seasoning or satisfaction! much like the player!

  14. no hes young this will be out of his mind in a few months. Ultimately its a job and their is always another chance if you come back the next season. The rest of this stuff is just garbage.

  15. This stanley playoffs were my first time watching hockey and I am really glad I did because it is awesome. You know what else is awesome? Finding this channel along the way. Have a nice summer brother

  16. McDavids place after a loss like that was with his team. Full stop. He doesn’t give a shit about individual awards anymore.

  17. McDavid didn't come here to win a Con Smyth, no captain after losing a game 7 is leaving his team to go on the ice and pick up a trophy that isn't the Stanly cup…….

  18. I'm worried for McDavid's mental health 😢 Having so much pressure put on anyone at such a young age and everyone harping on you when there is a chance or not. I think anyone would crumble and the fact that McDavid keeps on going, most great men wouldn't be able to believe. I watch the game and the Panthers played aggressive game and adelaide the puck a little bit too much.😅 I understand they were killing time to give less opportunities. That was one strategy that won them the cup. It's very interesting now that the Victor's doesn't always write full history anymore. We have different viewpoints and opinions throughout the globe. 👏

  19. Oil were gassed from coming back from 0-3 and leon looked like he was stuck in mud. HO HUM another boring bettman non-traditional market wins the cup again. fla. played in front of 5000 fans just a few years back. Fairweather market when they don't win.

  20. as much as it hurts, it will only drive this team even more next year, it came down to one game than one goal, Florida definitely deserved to win that game coming from an EMT fan btw

  21. You show respect that wasn’t jack black that’s panthers man and sadly he conferred this was his last season but one hell of a last season but what a season to go out

  22. Good breakdown on the McDavid opportunity. I missed every Florida Panther making a championship effort all over and in every way. Thanks for the competency in the video.

  23. Hahaha ohh I love it, suck it Edmonton, you only have 5 cups and god knows how many hall of famers,.forgive the rest of the league for not giving a fuck if you don't win another one, fuck McJesus

  24. I’m proud of McDavid for thinking of his team first they just lost and the last thing he wants to do is go accept a trophy.

  25. No matter how hard it is when you’re getting paid $12.5 million dollars a year you have to do the right thing. If Conner McDavid came out and received the Conn Smythe Trophy his fans would say he did the right thing and then not coming out his fans are saying he did the right thing. The trouble with being an emotional fan they think doing the right thing is how you feel in the moment and this disconnect forgets honour, integrity and a sense of responsibility and duty to things greater than yourself.

  26. He doesn't come out like the sports show who had to bring up Giguaire from ducks who also won the mvp on loosing team he accepted it but the big difference is they did it while he was still on the ice it's the nhls fault they took way to much time to award it while he was on the ice he was last one off the ice then still the mints tick away so compared to ducks goalie he was still on ice when it was awarded idiots Mcdavid was probably half undressed before Batman finely got to the award the NHL is to blame for taking to much time and Gigere whatever your word means nothing cause your team was on the ice you were not in your dressing room and with all the booing when he read his name for winner I wouldn't have came out either to disrespect fans Conner you did right thing you were the last oiler off ice and Betman you were given lots of time while he was on ice with his team bone head move

  27. LMAO, if the players still haven't figured out a Canadian team is never going to win the cup under Bettman's rule, they're suffering from too many concussions.

  28. Die hard Habs fan felt bad for McDavid
    I agree with him not comming out to accept the award

    And let’s get the draft going with already for Fs sake !!!!😊

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