@Blackhawks de Chicago

Notes de repêchage de la LNH : Division Centrale

Un peu de Kool-Aid pour toi



  1. drummerboy31402

    Cup is ours next season, it’s confirmed (I’m delusional)

  2. BearsGotKhalilMack

    More than a lot of years, this really feels like a class that we’re going to need at least a few years to really look back on and evaluate. Lot of question marks, lot of potential steals and reaches alike, way too early to make any real assertments. That being said, seeing an A always feels a lot better than not. Gimme them good chemicals while we wait and see.

  3. northernpace

    GMBA just went bonkers picking up D with all the 2nd and 3rd rounders they amassed, and he gets to spend money now. Sheesh. The Utes are gonna be a hassle for years.

    I liked the Perds picks, couple value swings as the writer says, watch the goalie become a gem.

    The Mild may have just had a nice draft if those picks hit, they’ll still be mild though.

    KD woulda got an A+++ if he had hit with the trade for 4th overall.

  4. HawkeyMan

    We got an A because we drafted Bedard last year

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