@Devils du New Jersey

Un fan de Vegas vient vous donner des informations sur Paul Cotter

J’ai lié un moment fort qui montre en quelque sorte son potentiel.

Kid est à 110% agité. Montre parfois des éclairs d’offense, mais ce n’est pas vraiment ce qu’il fait. Kid est là pour apporter de l’énergie tout le temps. Il se démène le long des planches. En conséquence, il se retrouve souvent sur la glace, mais Bit se relève toujours et essaie de s’en tenir au jeu.

C’est un peu ce qui se passe dans le moment fort. Il récupère la rondelle pour faire avancer le jeu et se retrouve sur ses fesses, se relève et récupère la rondelle alors que les joueurs de Philadelphie ont cessé de lui prêter attention et qu’il se couche et feinte. Comme je l’ai dit, il montre parfois quelques mains.

C’est un excellent joueur du top 6. Certainement l’un de ces types de gars dont l’agitation lui permet d’être apprécié par une base de fans même si le talent de haut niveau n’est pas vraiment là.

J’espère qu’il réussira avec vous les gars ! Il va nous manquer.



  1. DookieShoes6969

    Appreciate that. That’s something our bottom 6 can use for sure.

  2. whichwitch9

    He sounds like a McLeod replacement without being a scumbag, so can’t hate, just still think we overpaid. Our bottom 6 beyond fell apart last season though, so definitely sounds like he’s meant to address the issue

  3. Mad_Burrito_Slinger

    Thank you for posting. I knew he was a q bottom six guy but wasn’t sure if what else he brought to the table

  4. wunderboy

    Miles Wood was that guy. McLeod was a better all-around player; unfortunately a much worse human.

  5. Shadow_of_Yor

    Is he gonna fill the Miles Wood shaped hole on the 4th line?

  6. Redditface_Killah

    I like the trade. We need to get tougher, we won’t last a single round in the playoffs. Losing McLoed was a tough break for the team.

  7. Thanks, he’s my kind of guy! The price though… I won’t tell you guys about Holtz and Schmid because it doesn’t seem fair. 😂

  8. njdevils901

    I’ll take 2017-18 Blake Coleman if that’s what he ends up being

  9. Spillz92

    Was just looking at the numbers and he threw 233 hits last year which was 17th in the league. Your assessment lines up with those numbers so thanks for dropping by.

    The Devils need bottom 6 help and guys that throw the body and give a good shift when Nico and Jack’s lines are on the bench. I am on board with this move.

  10. waryeller

    Thanks for the intel, and for helping shut up the dudes on our sub who play too much chel and don’t understand there’s more to a successful hockey team than SCOR GOLS. Excited to have this guy in black and red.

  11. God, if he can win along the boards, im in. This team has been killin me with board battles

  12. DelitasChild

    We once had Blake Coleman on our squad and I described him almost identically to Tampa Bay fans when we traded him there, 110% hustle, a guy who never quit on any play.

    Idk if this guy will be as good as Blake was/is but I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Our bottom six need more “grit” so he’s a welcome addition.

  13. JerseySpot

    You got a good player back in Holtz.. Devils/Ruff never used him correctly. When Devs had injuries to multiple top six forwards Ruff never played him on 1st two lines. He will be a 25-30 goal scorer, just needed a change of scenery.. fair trade for both teams as Devs needed size and grit and Vegas can always use another scorer.

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