@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Déclaration complète de JBB.

Déclaration complète de JBB.



  1. _SpanishInquisition


  2. We need Sandra Stamkos to have a Ashli Evans moment and keep this man here

  3. LukeSkywalker1848

    So here’s my (cope) take with this. JBB clearly has free agents he’s eying. My guess is he gets what he can on Monday, lets Stamkos test FA, then offers him whatever we have left. If it works and he stays, we all call him a genius again. If it fails we call for his head some more.

    Regardless this is disgusting treatment of a franchise legend imo

  4. Swimming-Fan7973

    Stammer did the same thing last time and everyone was sure he was going to the Maple Leafs.

    You can’t replace the face of the franchise, but you can replace 40 goals. We’ll see….

  5. Sundance12

    I’m willing to make irrational concessions to keep Stamkos in Tampa for the rest of his career

  6. likeslululemon

    I have a buck twenty I could give Stamkos, if that’ll help.

  7. This-Level-3135

    Don’t be surprised if you see stammer and sergachev suit of for Utah next year

  8. Hobbitsliketoparty

    If we open next season with Blashill still as a coach, and no Stamkos, than JBB will have lost all credibility.

  9. CruelRuin

    jbb also commented on the serg and jeannot trades. he said that teams are now reaching out to him regarding other players currently under contract because of their new cap space.

    idk what players they’re talking about but this is gonna be a spicy few days. guy’s gonna be hitting the coffee over the next 48 hours

  10. Winston_the_dog

    I’ll hate JBB forever if Stamkos walks

  11. HouseLeagueHero

    Fire JBB if we let him walk man. We had our cups, I’m fine being mediocre for a few years if it means Stamkos is a bolt for life.

  12. Three_Froggy_Problem

    I’d basically be willing to screw us for the next decade to keep Stammer if that’s what it would take

  13. AdamAptor

    I feel like they just have to be miles apart. I’d like to think JBB wouldn’t risk Stamkos walking over a million or so dollars.

    I also get Stamkos wanting to hear what numbers are out there.

    I’m being selfish in that I want Stamkos to cut a deal and JBB to meet him halfway.

  14. Lansdallius

    I’d love for Stammer to retire a Bolt. I’m grateful we got to see him raise two Cups as our captain with the lean years and idiocy he suffered through before Vinik bought the team. If there’s a team out there willing to give him a super huge payday, I’ll wish him well. He’s still getting a statue next to Andy when he retires.

    I hope this is just JBB letting Stamkos see what his market value is, and we’ll match or beat the best offer, and this isn’t just a low-ball attempt. They’ve got the cap room now to give him what he wants, if they think he’s worth it.

  15. alli_gator_

    My biggest issue with this, apart from seeing Stammer leave, is that JBB is just going to let him walk away for nothing.
    If he wasn’t trying to get an extension, why not look into trading him and get someone in return?

  16. Stamkosisinjured

    I’m calling it. Stammer is gonna fold. You don’t posture this much to the media if you don’t want to stay really really bad. If he just wanted as much money as possible he would just leave.

  17. unclelayman

    I don’t think it’s possible to replace a 40 goal captain in the aggregate. Everyone loves moneyball, but the rays and the athletics don’t actually win titles. If the 3m offer is real, we’re not just letting him walk, we’re bum rushing him out the door. Crazy

  18. I may be in the minority, but I think letting him walk is the best organizational move if the money doesn’t make sense. I hate it, but I guess that’s JBB’s job.

  19. 322vette

    The Tampa Bay Buccaneers benefitted greatly from getting the greatest New England Patriot of all time in 2020 to sign with them; now the greatest Tampa Bay Lightning player has a chance to do the same with another team, starting Monday. Hope something can be worked out, but the parallel is there.

  20. floridadumpsterfire

    to bring back McD only to lose Serg and Stamkos would be pretty lame, ngl.

  21. TurboPats

    I think what JBB is saying here is that Stamkos agent is trying to do the best for him and is an asshole to deal with. So even though we made moves today to have the ability to sign him, they’re going to test the market.

    It’s up to Stamkos and his family at this point. He’s most certainly going to get more somewhere else but now the bolts have enough money to make a respectable offer.

    I hope this is repeat of the last time he was a free agent and he stays but this is probably his last big contract so who knows what he decides after talking with other teams. I hope he stays but leaving millions on the table is not an easy decision

  22. totkbotw23

    Not loving this public hardball with Stammer, our most important player in franchise history for many reasons.

  23. Jlindahl93

    This is just pressure being applied now. This is saying “look I know you think we cleared this money for you but that’s not the only thing we’re exploring if you think you have us by the balls here”

    Unfortunately both JBB and Stammers agent have to be the bad guys a bit here to protect themselves while still giving the other what they want.

  24. Bolts_Big_Cat

    Everyone here who is ready to bury JBB are forgetting that he is the same guy who made the big moves to get this team to 3 straight Cup Finals and win 2 Cups.

    The man is doing his job on a level none of us can even comprehend.

    Everyone wants to hate on JBB, but is giving Stamkos a pass. Why?

    I love our Captain as much as anyone else, but if he wants to chase a few Million more dollars for his family and their future after all the millions he’s already made here that’s his choice.

  25. EarlofBizzlington86

    Why is jbb playing hardball and rolling the dice like this.. just fucking pay the man!!

  26. hiliikkkusss

    stamkos come to vancouver you legend… we need your snipe capabilities with petterson

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