@Canadiens de Montréal

Pensez-vous que Demidov pourrait être la bonne affaire du repêchage ? – Oui, et c’est un euphémisme.

Pensez-vous que Demidov pourrait être le vol du repêchage ? – Oui, et c’est un euphémisme.



  1. AutoModerator

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  2. Dexteris

    What a good question to ask… What else is he supposed to answer about his first pick of the draft…

  3. He could sure “yea!” And he could say “yea, and that’s an understatement.” Clearly those are 2 distinct things

  4. Half_moon_die

    The 5th pick, a steal from the other three teams who could have. Meaby if he surpass celebrini but still. You wouldn’t call stutzle a steal.

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