@Panthers de la Floride

J’ai rejoint le tat club aujourd’hui. Tellement content!!! A demain!!!

Réalisé par Natalia Marin chez Ocho Placas Tattoo co. à Miami. Elle a une superbe feuille de flashs de panthères sur son Instagram si quelqu’un est intéressé 🙂



  1. C_IsForCookie

    Awesome!! The shield and palm tree/stick flash on her IG goes hard. I’m tempted 🙃

  2. RussianFive_97-98

    Oh I love the little rat peaking out!

  3. ImGrumps

    Killer tatt and the american traditional vibe was such a good choice.

    Loving the rat!

  4. TBDMurder

    Good work ain’t cheap and cheap work ain’t good.

  5. Adkeith47

    This is the only one I’ve liked so far lol. Getting a teams logo blatantly tattooed on you is just odd for some reason but hey not my body

  6. schultze1130

    Actually decent for am Americana style tattoo

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