@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Mikhaïl Sergachev aurait été un Coyote

Cette intersaison va être foutue



  1. While I thought the mods were going to be stepping on stuff like this now (this isn’t the Utah subreddit) a big part of me is super glad that we don’t have to be a fan of this team as the rebuild is mangled into an attempt to definitely make the playoffs this coming season, for reasons of establishing a fanbase. Already, it’s fairly clear that BA has been told he’s expected to make the playoffs.

    You don’t sacrifice great long-term pieces like Geekie and Moser (who are both good for another decade) for one recently injured highly expensive player, who could blow a tire definitively at any moment, unless you’ve been told you’re firmly on the clock.

    While I’m not a hockey fan anymore, I’m certainly ‘looking forward’ to Utah going on a run and all the news articles whooping about how the team has ‘finally come good now it’s out of shitty shitty Arizona’ as though we didn’t all already know the group were sitting on the edge of the bubble.

  2. If we are being realistic, there was no way Bill was going to get permission from ownership to make that trade to begin with. The powers that be were never going to shell out the money needed to pay the contract, and Bill was hand tied as to what he could do.

    The moves that Utah’s management made at this draft were because they were freed from the limitations that were imposed on them.

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