@Rangers de New York

[Adam Herman] Elliotte Friedman à propos de Trouba : « Je ne suis pas sûre de ce qui se passe ici. »

[Adam Herman] Elliotte Friedman sur Trouba : « Je ne sais pas vraiment ce qui se passe ici. »



  1. Tommybrady20

    He follows it up to say basically Trouba is “shocked” and more or less is taking his time to figure things out

    … in effect holding up the deal.

  2. NoReplacement9001

    Trouba: “oh no I was in ice for most goals against in the playoffs”
    Also Trouba: “oh no I’m so shocked”

  3. NYCSportsFan

    Didn’t they already ask him for his 15 No Trade teams? Why Is he shocked now?

  4. Tommybrady20

    If you listen to the full Friedman podcast clip, it sounds to me a lot like a guy who would prefer to stay in NY and he and his agent are going to be conveniently difficult to work with until July 1st in an effort to make it as hard as possible to trade him.

  5. Krispyford

    I was of the understanding that he can’t be moved until July 1st because he still has a NMC. So unless he okays the deal ahead of time (I can see Drury giving him the heads up early), nothing can get done until Monday.

    I get being upset by it, but he really shouldn’t be shocked based on his play. I like the guy, but nobody should be surprised by this.

  6. SilentSaidd

    My best guess on the situation is something like this.

    From Drury’s perspective the idea is to get a deal done early and have Trouba waive his NMC so come July 1st Drury can focus on free agency. Drury must have assumed that Detroit would be a team that Trouba would be willing to waive his NMC for, being that hes from Michigan and they should be a playoff team next year. It seems like though that the idea of leaving NY is not something Trouba thought was going to happen at all and it’s a tough reality he’s being hit with now. He can either now process what has happened and make it easier for both sides by waiving his NMC over the next day. Or he can decide he’s not going to do that and he can decide he wants to stay in NY even if he’s not wanted. He can strategically pick his 15 team no trade list to be teams that would be able to take his cap hit if a trade were to be made. Making it effectively impossible to trade him. However Drury could go the waiver option the same way he did with Goodrow but it seems like Grier did Drury a favor claiming goodrow and I’m not sure if Drury has another favor in stock to take an $8 mil cap hit.

  7. jahauser

    I mean I can see it sucking pretty hard. He and his wife really wanted to move their careers to New York, and getting captaincy surely felt like a good bet the team wanted him for keeps.

  8. Cup-n-BallHog

    Trouba is the embodiment of shocked Pikachu right now lol

  9. MondoMammoth

    On for pretty much every goal against this past run, damn near broke his neck on an embarrassing hit attempt, relegated to a brutal third pairing with Gustafson, and he’s shocked the Rangers want to move his 8 million dollar boat anchor of a contract?

    Should have played better or sat if your ankle was still hurt instead of hurting the team overall.

  10. We play better when he’s out of the lineup, he makes 8 million when he probably deserves 2 how did you not see it coming.

  11. njerejeje

    Jacob Trouba has the right to use his NTC in a way that makes a trade difficult to do.

    The Rangers have the right to waive him if he decides to make this difficult.

  12. 09-24-11

    Fuck Adam Herman that lying rat should not get any clicks

  13. Sudden-Swim2520

    Captaincy is not immunity. Thanks for the helmet toss and half dozen spicy chicken wings(one even took flight!).

  14. Fancy-Investigator86

    Wow. A lot of people on here acting like they’ve walked a mile in his shoes. Just because he is extremely wealthy and is trying to do right by his wife and kids all of a sudden he’s entitled? Yeah he fucked up but chill the fuck out he’s a human who is harder on himself I’m sure than any of we are on him.

  15. chilistar

    Get this bum outta here. Ain’t the teenie weenie club

  16. Helpful_Project_8436

    And if we can’t trade him, waive him and let him rot. If nobody claims him, bench him until he wants out.

  17. jkman61494

    Look. I’m sorry that his wife may not be done with her residency. It’s all refreshing and all he’s very concerned about her job and all. But the dude is coming off like a manchild here and if this is his agent dragging it, he’s doing a major PR error on a guy that’s supposed to be the « best leader in hockey ».

    The guy should take a look in a mirror. He’s being paid Adam Fox money but he performed as Chad Ruhwedhl. And his (and the coaches) insistence to keep him in the lineup on one foot as opposed to playing Zac Jones when you see how many goals he was on the ice for may have cost us a championship.

    The Rangers paid you money your great great great grandchildren should live off of.

    Move on dude

  18. Glittering_Top_9512

    In theory, are there even 15 teams that he could submit as his NTC in order to delay/mess up the Rangers attempting to trade him?

  19. PaulMarnersFurHat

    Fine, I’ll be the one to say it. What the Rangers are doing is not right. Talking about the full Friedman quote from the podcast.

    The Goodrow incident of circumventing his NTC and now this is a really bad look. The goal is to win, but at what cost? Treating players (especially leaders on the team like Goodrow and Trouba) like garbage? These are people with families. It’s about more than the money. Both of those guys just had newborn babies in the last year. Trouba’s wife is a doctor and needs to be in NYC.

    What high end free agent is going to want to sign here if this is how you treat players? There are plenty of great options for players to sign such as Chicago, Nashville, the California teams with nice weather, the Florida teams with nice weather and no income tax, places like Carolina, Buffalo, Minnesota, Colorado, DC that are great to raise kids in, Boston, the list goes on.

    Don’t even get me started on the other NYC adjacent teams (Islanders and Devils) where players can literally still live in New York City and get all of the same perks but maybe with an organization that wouldn’t do them dirty like this. It will be so embarrassing for the Rangers if they are no longer a premiere location in the NHL.

    How can we build a great team culture making moves like this? Guys in the locker room are going to be pissed. And since the Rangers view players as disposable and don’t have consideration for them, why would players have consideration for the Rangers? Say goodbye to any chance at players taking discounts or “team friendly deals”

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