@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Quelle note donneriez-vous au choix de Cayden Lindstrom ?

Quelle note choisiriez-vous pour Cayden Lindstrom ?



  1. PulsarGaming1080

    If he stays healthy, B+ or A-. Fills a need, totally fine pick. Projects to be a good player.

    If he doesn’t….do we have a Brule tier?

  2. mickeyhause


    I love what he brings. I think I would have preferred Demidov (less risk) but if what has been said about his back turns out to be true and he is fine, this will be an S+ grade

  3. maineblackbear

    why is beaverhockey doing this? posting in every teams sub? got banned for spam in the seattle kraken’s sub

  4. Sk1nny_Bones


    Obviously his back is a concern now, but as long as he recovers fine and is fine, he will be a great, large center for us. Happy to have Lindstrom!

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