@Flames de Calgary

Craig Conroy a déclaré sur Sportsnet 960 qu’il semblait qu’Oliver Kylington allait tester l’agence libre.

Craig Conroy a déclaré sur Sportsnet 960 qu’il semblait qu’Oliver Kylington allait tester l’agence libre.



  1. BoBonnor

    Flames are having a rough year. At least the draft was good

  2. rddtslame

    Bruts, no wonder he’s loading up on offensive d

  3. SputN1ckel

    Sucks but it is what it is. I believe that means Backs and Ras are now the sole remaining members from the 2021-2022 roster, crazy how much has changed. Keeping Kylington would have been nice but selfishly I think it will continue to weaken our D core, meaning a better chance at a high pick.

    (Reminder for the random Habs fans that might come in here that the 2025 pick is top 1 protected and we only give you our first if Florida is also a bottom 10 team)

  4. noobrainy

    Unfortunate. I’m not going to hate on him. The last few years have been rough for him and he might just want a fresh start.

    I hope the best for you killy!!

  5. Maclammy

    I know he’s not an irreplacable player, but because of his story and journey coming back, it will be sad to see him go. 🙁

  6. L_nce20000

    I’m honestly curious at what other teams will pay for him. If his camp thinks the Flames aren’t offering enough, how will other GMs value a D man who has half a season of play in two years?

  7. CucumberFluid6859

    You got to be kidding me, after all they did for him

  8. oilerhater

    A little loyalty would be nice all things considered. I would have expected a discount if anything, but I guess that’s business!

  9. Hot-Resist-7707

    Free Agency is where you go to get overpaid. Somebody will do it. He seems like a warm climate less media kind of guy

  10. Vinny331

    He still could sign with us though right? I mean I know it barely ever happens but in theory a player could test free agency and go back to their original team if the offer is still on the table.

  11. Maybe he still comes back and signs with the Flames after seeing what’s available.

  12. Ok_Ground_9622

    Rip my newly stitched Kylington jersey

  13. Joshiggity

    Agents will always push their player for the biggest contract and to test free agency. Agents get paid more the bigger the contract plus the players union is like any other union. They want the players to always get the most they can.

  14. AnxiousArtichoke7981

    My guess is he wants to gauge the market. I suspect Conroy and he will talk again.

  15. FinkBass420

    Shitty but I get it. He doesn’t fit our window and Craig isn’t doing long contracts right now which is very smart. I hope wherever he ends up he thrives

  16. scott-barr

    Maybe Conroy doesn’t want to give him term, he’d know more than most.

  17. Specific-Stomach-195

    If he is asking for term, then time for Flames to pivot to some UFA defensemen. We will need a veteran no presence to help stabilize and mentor the young players.

  18. TheMikeSweeney306

    As much as I know that you should treat mental health issues the same as physical health, I can’t help but feel a bit betrayed by this from the Kylington camp. No other industry would you get paid in full for a year and a half without working with only 2 years of service time. We stood by him in his darkest hours. But I can attest from a sufferer of Anxiety/Depression, that I take Sertraline for daily, that stability is so important and he’s probably looking for a really long term deal that he can relax into, instead of constant short term “prove it” contracts. The world just isn’t a fair place.

  19. CmMozzie

    Should of been gone years ago. This is on par.

  20. NaughtyOne88

    This is wrong.

    The team stood by him when he was having issues.

    Unless the Flames are not in touch with reality he really should pay it back and play here for at least one season at a reasonable market value. The team did him a solid. I think the team deserves to be treated better.

    After that if he feels he has proven that he deserves more, then fair enough.

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