@Predators de Nashville

Elliotte Friedman semble penser que nous sommes les favoris pour le bégaiement 👀

Elliotte Friedman semble penser que nous sommes les pionniers du bégaiement 👀



  1. The whole article is a good read, but he explicitly mentions both the Preds and Stammer under #1 in the “Thoughts” section.

    It reads, “As the Stamkos news spread over the past few days, several salivated at the thought of talking to him. We’ll see how he handles this. Stamkos did not enjoy the 2016 dog-and-pony show, ending it prematurely. It’s absolutely weird to process him anywhere but Tampa. Never thought I’d see the day. My money’s on Nashville (no wagering on anything I say, please), but a lot of suitors are putting on their cufflinks in this dating game.”

    Obviously, it isn’t a done deal or anything of the sort, and I’m sure Elliotte’s hunches about things haven’t been right before, but this is coming from the most trusted insider in the NHL. If he’s betting it’s us, all I can say is that I’m super anxious for Monday

  2. HillibillyHaven

    We better not all get collectively blue-balled

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