@Rangers de New York

[Brooks] Le Post a été informé que le camp de Shesterkin visait un contrat en vertu duquel le gardien de but commencerait avec 14 pour cent du plafond salarial, ce qui équivaudrait à un record de gardien de but de 12,9 millions de dollars sous un plafond salarial prévu de 92 millions de dollars pour 2025-26.

[Brooks] Le Post a été informé que le camp de Shesterkin visait un contrat en vertu duquel le gardien de but commencerait avec 14 pour cent du plafond salarial, ce qui équivaudrait à un record de gardien de but de 12,9 millions de dollars sous un plafond salarial prévu de 92 millions de dollars pour 2025-26.



  1. Wooden_Cry_9946

    Mein Gott that’s expensive… yikes

  2. lionson76

    Hopefully that means they’ll end up agreeing to something in the $11-12M range. That extra $1M or so in savings will definitely come in handy elsewhere.

  3. JPmoneyman

    14% is what Bobrovsky got when he signed with Florida so that’s where that number comes from. Hopefully we can get him down to 12% or something.

  4. Entire-Future7739

    Hard for me to imagine that happens, considering the highest goalie AAV ever is 10.5 and Saros just signed for 7.74. I think it gets done at 11-11.5

  5. Hard to argue with Igor for less considering a goalie with the same or similar % just won the cup

  6. About_27_Canadians

    If Igor wants to stop bailing the team out every night, he needs to take a bit of a discount. Nothing astonomical but 1.5-2million would make a huge difference.

  7. KorbanDallas90

    Way too much. I know he saved our ass plenty of times but if he wants relief he needs to be reasonable.
    Risking a lot of money on one player.

  8. AARP_Rocky

    Yeah there’s no way that happens, we saw that movie with Lundqvist. I love Igor, but there’s very few players I’d be comfortable with getting that much % of the cap, none of whom are goaltenders.

  9. Helpful_Project_8436

    People saying they are ok with 10-11 million are insane. You can’t get the depth you need with a fucking goalie making that much and please don’t mention Florida, they had all kinds of cheap bargain deals this year. We pay Igor that much and you can say goodbye to a cup. Were not winning with an 11 million dollar goalie when we don’t have the horses at forward and defense that we need.

  10. alphaxion

    Shesty is absolutely looking at the career of Hank and deciding « I want a cup » and using it to determine his future.

    He won’t get what he’s asking for, but he might get his wage from a team that isn’t the Rangers.

  11. Let’s be honest with ourselves. Would Shesterkin making less money really be the deciding factor in whether we win a Cup or not? Even if he takes a discount, we still aren’t really in position to go in for a Guentzel. At best we’re probably going to get someone out of their prime like a Stamkos or Kane who can be effective for maybe 2 years. Our defensive depth is still going to be pretty bad and past Fox, it is not really a contender worthy group unless some young players take a leap. Our contention window with the current core is maybe 2 years. It’s not like we have a team chock full of talent in their prime like the Stars, Panthers, Oilers. There’s so much uncertainty with this team past 2 years that Shesterkin can probably go elsewhere, make more money, and probably have a better chance of winning a Cup long term.

  12. the_mair

    No goalie has beaten Bob’s $10M and Saros just extended for $7.75M. I doubt it ends up more than ~$10.5M.

  13. morgaine125

    If Shesterkin wants that kind of money, he needs to be 100% on every game. No multi-week stretches where he’s ice cold and we need to rely heavily on our back-up to cover for him while he gets his head back in the game. Unfortunately the last two seasons haven’t shown he’s up to that. I love him and want him to stay, but that price tag would be lunacy.

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