@Sabres de Buffalo

Pour être honnête, cela ne vaut pas un deuxième choix.

Pour être honnête, cela ne vaut pas un deuxième choix.



  1. StartButtonPress

    Yeah, no kidding. That’s what we get when a GM feels backed into a corner

  2. thebenson

    He wasn’t acquired for his offense.

    How many people complaining about this player were also complaining about how easy Buffalo is to play against?

  3. SportsFanBUF

    Every pick past the 1st is worth virtually nothing

  4. seeldoger47

    He’s fast, forechecks, hits everything that moves, kills penalties (though it’s not necessarily a strength), and Carbery absolutely didn’t trust him during the playoffs. Hasn’t figured out how to translate that into a good puck possession game as his offensive and defensive impacts are both poor. Maybe the Sabres can help him figure out to do so, but he’s 26, soon to be 27, so I don’t really know. Finding undervalued assets and bringing out the most in them is an essential part of building a contender, but ideally you won’t overpay in the process.

  5. MrFinch8604

    Wasn’t that 2nd rounder a freebie from the SJ trade? We got someone who will play next year, rather than someone who might play in 4 years.

  6. Drizzy_Drew

    This is the type of replacement level guy that you sign to a cheap contract as a UFA as a hope to find a diamond in the rough. This is not the type of player that you trade assets for, let alone a 2nd round pick. I don’t care how weak the draft is, there is no world where a player like this is worth a top 100 pick in any draft.

  7. YNWA1616

    I like how you referred to Beck or Brock or whatever his name is as “this” – well done.

  8. nefarious_dareus

    I just spent the past 3 months being so optimistic. I argued with some many people in here and on Twitter that this isn’t a roster that needs a heavy hand to change its entire direction in one offseason. The only true needs really aren’t that difficult to fill. Or I guess they wouldn’t have been if we were literally any other franchise because other teams can just get a middle 6 NHLer for a second. This is the trade the broke me. Were fucked. Fire KA before he can set us back another decade with garbage bottom 6 FA signings to term.

  9. SayNoToAids

    No. It’s not. Trade market was shit as evident by Adams having a few deals fall through and Devils unable to trade pick. Usually this sub will try to gaslight us, but good to see we can recognize the trade for what it is

  10. Pretty_Good_At_IRL

    2nd round NHL picks are a coin flip on even making it to the NHL


    More stellar general managing from GMKA

  12. AudioCats


    Gonna put this link here too.

    90% Dzone starts last season. Him, Dowd, and Aube-Kubel played practically all of their minutes from their own zone against offensive lines. Of course every single shooting, chance-based, or offensive metric (*cough*that’s most of them*cough*) will be skewed against him.

    They were undoubtedly the best defensive line in the NHL last season. A 2nd is still wild to pay, but if it’s to wrench away the youngest winger on that line, I can start to understand it. I 100% believe Washington didn’t want to move him.

  13. osamagotpwnd

    Guy played on a team that was -37 overall. He had 92% of defensive zone draws, played 81 games, and was only a -1. 92% defensive zone draws is insane and is going to skew most of those stats. Give him a chance. Y’all hated the Greenway trade at first too until you saw what he brought to the table.

  14. BurgerFeazt

    Sabres fans: I DEMAND A REAL 4TH LINE

    Adams starts building a 4th line

    Sabres fans: wHaT tHe HeLL aRe YoU dOiNg?!?!?

  15. i-hope-i-get-it

    Yah pretty dumb; was only to save face for trading the 1st in my OP. Prob should have kept it and traded it for more when teams saw Buium and Dickinson fall

  16. edit-the-sad-parts

    Top6 pending ufa scoring wingers go for second round picks every off-season and we’re like uhhhhh can I get a 4th liner instead?

  17. diebytheblade15

    Kevin Hayes went for a 2nd attached to him for future considerations… I’d eat 7.1 for 2 years for 35-40 even strength points. Probably had a NTC here though.

  18. Yup!

    Actual AHL player

    AAAA guys like Nathan Todd don’t even get an NHL game and Beck Malentsyn gets traded for a 2nd round pick

    Beck maybe AAA

    Maybe AA honestly

  19. RavenReel

    He’s there to be a real hockey player. He’s gonna check guys and protect the fleet of under 6 footers they are amassing

    Edit to add…

    Most of those stats on the page are nonsense made up by nerds.
    His eye test of being stronger than most people is enough.

    I guess they could have taken a second round pick and watched him in Rochester for 5 years too.

  20. dumpmaster42069

    Washington traded this guy for Mangiapanne

  21. devin1421

    Kev got roofied in Vegas last night and Botts stole his phone.

  22. GoGlenMoCo

    He was starting >90% of his shifts in the defensive zone, and playing north of 14 minutes almost exclusively against the opposing teams’ best offensive players. He’s fast, he’s physical, and he fills a role no one on the Sabres before today was really capable of (aside from maybe Girgs).

    Lots of very strong opinions coming from people who clearly don’t know who this player is that we’re getting.

  23. Ballbuster716

    2nd round picks are crapshoots (probably anything late 1st round onward is honestly)…I mean between Michael Funk was selected 43rd overall by the Sabres. Really didn’t amount to much, just played 9 NHL games. How many more prospects do the Sabres need really?

  24. With the way he was used in Washington basically the only relevant part is « DZ Retrievals/Exits ». Which doesn’t look too hot so I assume he defends pretty well in zone because we was just -2 at 5v5 while having the lowest share of OZ starts out of any NHL regular.

    Really looks like you should pair him with a center that can skate the puck out though, as he seems like a really devoted chip and chaser, and it’s not ideal to give the puck away that often. Will be interesting to see which 3C/4C’s they end up with.

  25. Plus_Landscape_3080

    Ya and st Louis got texier from Columbus for a 4th rounder wtf is going on round herrrr

  26. Just a god damn joke at this point. Already nearing the point of not caring until Adams gets fired.

    Dude should’ve been a scout, not a gm.

    Has he made a good FA signing or trade yet?

  27. DapperCam

    < 10% offensive zone starts is insane. It makes it difficult to interpret any other stats. Obviously your corsi won’t be positive starting in your zone like that. This has Ruff’s fingerprints all over it, so I’m just going to wait and see.

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