@Blues de Saint-Louis

Doug Armstrong sur l’échange de Kevin Hayes, l’acquisition d’Alexandre Texier et le repêchage de la LNH

Le directeur général des Blues de St. Louis, Doug Armstrong, commente les décisions prises lors du repêchage de la LNH, échangeant Kevin Hayes à Pittsburgh et acquérant Alexandre Texier de Columbus.


  1. Army is proving why he should move from GM Job. Hayes move was terrible. Even in firts place acquire HIM and pay for it. We are pretenders no contender team. Keeping Buch Will Be mistake, we dont have windows open. Get pick(s) and prospects(s) return. Build future.

  2. I’ve always thought that Army has really good hockey smarts. But it’s tough not being that armchair GM and criticizing him too

  3. Hayes was a stupid decision. It cost them a 2nd round pick to get out of it. Bad decision Doug. Bad decision twice.
    I am glad that the Blues are moving on from him. It can’t happen quickly enough!

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