@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks sélectionnent le centre Riley Patterson avec le 125e choix au total.



  1. JDMintz718

    Anybody have any strong opinions on this?

  2. H34thcliff

    What an absolute steal!

    *I have no clue what I’m talking about*

  3. SilenTyphoon

    Allvin collecting all the Patterson’s, Pettersson’s, and Pederson’s he can possibly get.

  4. Looks like we’re going high risk offensive upside on our picks, I think that’s the right thing to do when we are picking this low with this few

  5. Canucksfan2018

    Did they misread it as Petterson and assumed they had to draft him?

  6. JTMilleriswortha1st

    Elias Pettersson,Elias Pettersson and Riley Patterson are gonna be crazy together

  7. koowabear

    If I squint really really hard I can just about make out a Pettersson

  8. Rupturedfetus

    Patterson Pettersson Pettersson now we just need a Peterson

  9. Canaidan kid who’s slick with his hands and got good speed? Why not.

  10. wallnutxjames

    Good luck with Petterssons, Patterson is close enough

  11. CrayonOlympics

    Back to back high upside picks. We love to see it

  12. Last Canuck to play for Barrie was Silovs, so cleary it’s a home run

  13. brianevans88

    At least we picked a Canadian. We need more Canadians.

  14. Allvin is going to make a blockbuster trade to Calgary, trading Petterson for two first round picks and Calgary is going to be pissed when this Patterson shows up

  15. Nice-Willingness-869

    Elias Pettersson (dman) passes to pattersson who shoots and it’s tipped in by Elias Petterson (Forward)

  16. Royal_Entrepreneur87

    Elias Petterson – Patterson – Pederson

    Elias Petterson – Hughes


    That is our #1 pp unit next season.

  17. happigofucky

    Really really impressive stats for his first ohl season

  18. Shazzam001

    Pettersson to Patterson to Pettersson… scores!!!!

  19. Looney_forner

    We’re going to be every dyslexic’s least favourite team moving forward

  20. rengorengar

    Petey could use that sports psychologist

  21. The_Cozy_Burrito

    I can’t wait till he drafts Allias Pattersun

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