@Ducks d'Anaheim

Maintenant que j’ai eu le temps de m’y acclimater, le nouveau logo est bien meilleur et il n’est même pas proche.

Maintenant que j’ai eu le temps de m’y acclimater, le nouveau logo est bien meilleur et il n’est même pas proche.



  1. StumptownRetro

    There are some elements I like. The more accurate sticks. The. Better shading. But I’m not a fan of the gold. That’s just a me thing though.

  2. It’s perfect. Remind me of the Sharks refresh on 2008 but WAY better.

  3. WildWing22

    I remember reading an insider say “you don’t know what’s broken until it’s fixed” before the logo was released and I couldn’t agree more

  4. Unsound_Science

    The logo is fine…. But I gotta ask, are you all actually liking the jerseys or just saying it?

  5. boltthrower10

    I kind of don’t like the orange eye, but the rest is very good

  6. Cautious-Bother9931

    It looks fantastic. I was never a huge fan of the original logo but the new one changes that. Our logo goes hard af now boys

  7. why didn’t they just do this in the first place instead of the foot?

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