@Rangers de New York

Voici ce que Friedman a dit sur Trouba sur le dernier mini-pod 32 Thoughts.

Voici ce que Friedman a dit sur Trouba dans le dernier mini pod 32 Thoughts.



  1. 09-24-11

    if Trouba intentionally makes his list difficult for us (impossible cap, unwilling teams) it will be a fuck him. Be a professional. A team wants to move on for cap reasons. It’s happened at least twice today already. You got paid and this is a consequence of taking so much.

  2. Flyinghud

    If he has not accepted the trade at noon on Monday waive him Drury it’s the only way to force his hand.

  3. DekexelDragon55

    This is the best defense Trouba’s played in NY lmao

  4. Relative-Tell119

    Trouba is fighting for his spot on the roster like he isn’t leaving this team in 72 hours no matter how it goes down

  5. spaideyv

    I get being annoyed but I don’t get him being shocked by this.

    like you’re not playing in a way that warrants 8 million a year, and we’ve been in a cap crunch for several years with nothing to show for it…
    did you think they wouldn’t try and shop you around if they could?

  6. impulse_thoughts

    He shouldn’t have a problem being traded to the Islanders or the Devils, since his desire is to stay in NY for his wife’s career. I don’t know what the Rangers might want in return from them though to make a trade worth it.

  7. Compulsive_Bater

    I know everyone here is aggressively anti Trouba but after dumping Goody and now this kind of thing to our captain isn’t going to inspire good team vibes.

  8. NYRule1994

    Jacob Trouba is the fifth best defenseman on the roster (maybe 6th if Zac Jones is playing well) and he’s making the second most money. He was a liability in the postseason, was on ice for an exorbitant amount of goals against, and topped all that off with a massive whiff that led to a goal against which led to the team being eliminated.

    Drury has a business to run. The math isn’t mathing. Run it, Chris.

  9. Key-Tip-7521

    this has to end. seriously. the more this shit goes on, and he’s not traded, i feel like everything could fall apart in the locker room. It’s has to end. no one wins. except those who legitimately hate trouba w/a burning passion.

  10. custerb11

    Wonder how people on this sub would feel about being traded away from the Rangers if they were NHL-caliber players.

    All Friedman says is that he’s « disappointed, shocked and still processing » which…sounds like someone who loves being a Ranger.

    I’m not saying you have to cry over an underperforming pro with a bad contract getting traded, but I’m baffled by how many people seem to need to be a massive dick about it.

  11. Aggravating_Frame597

    I dont want to see Trouba go honestly, but if he does, I hope it’s somewhere he has alot of success. Regardless what anyone says or what issues there may be, I’m a big fan of Trouba and always will be so it sucks to consider he may be done in NY, but I also I understand we could he using that money for someone who’s a better fit.

  12. PaulMarnersFurHat

    What the Rangers are doing is not right.

    The Goodrow incident of circumventing his NTC and now this is a really bad look. The goal is to win, but at what cost? Treating players (especially leaders on the team like Goodrow and Trouba) like garbage? These are people with families. It’s about more than the money. Both of those guys just had newborn babies in the last year. Trouba’s wife is a doctor and needs to be in NYC.

    What high end free agent is going to want to sign here if this is how you treat players? There are plenty of great options for players to sign such as Chicago, Nashville, the California teams with nice weather, the Florida teams with nice weather and no income tax, places like Carolina, Buffalo, Minnesota, Colorado, DC that are great to raise kids in, Boston, the list goes on.

    Don’t even get me started on the other NYC adjacent teams (Islanders and Devils) where players can literally still live in New York City and get all of the same perks but maybe with an organization that wouldn’t do them dirty like this. It will be so embarrassing for the Rangers if they are no longer a premiere location in the NHL.

    How can we build a great team culture making moves like this? Guys in the locker room are going to be pissed. And since the Rangers view players as disposable and don’t have consideration for them, why would players have consideration for the Rangers? Say goodbye to any chance at players taking discounts or “team friendly deals”

  13. AARP_Rocky

    I think a trade will probably end up getting done because at this point it seems the rangers are too committed to getting rid of him.

    Even if Trouba tries to stop a trade, the rangers can still just put him on waivers for buyout, in which case the end result is the same for him being off the team.

    Yeah it sucks for him to end like this but it’s really in his best interest to cooperate to find a team that works best for his situation.

  14. TheCrustyIncellious

    One of the worst defenseman ive watched. Go away bum

  15. OutOfIdeas17

    I do think Trouba’s contract hurts the team, being in win now mode. However, this needs to be handled with grace. If Drury can find a move that both parties can be happy with, it will be better for overall morale.

  16. Direct_Crab6651

    It sucks anytime your employer wants to move on from you

    Then handing you 8 million a year and being willing to pay 2.5 million for 2 years to have you not be there is something no one should feel sorry for

    Dude was never worth this money

    Btw Tom Brady restructured his deal multiple times to open up cap space so his team could compete for the championship……… now players don’t have to do this or isn’t expected ……. But clearly Tom wanted to stay and wanted to win

  17. jkman61494

    The parallel universe where he and the coaches shut him down like they should I’ve and allow jones to play. The insistence to keep him in the lineup not only hurt the team but caused irreparable damage with fans

  18. drdrchlikdr

    He is gone. The only question is how ugly he wants his departure to be.

  19. Teknicsrx7

    So if we can’t trade him I’m pretty sure we just waive him and even if no one claims him we just assign him to Hartford and save a larger chunk of his contract than if we bought him out. He didn’t sign after 35 so we’re not on the hook for the whole thing.

    Or am I wrong? I feel like I’ve seen it happen recently but I could definitely be misremembering.

  20. velitiede

    This situation is pretty much Rangers stanley cup window vs Troubas hurt feelings

  21. Nylander92

    Just get him off the team at this point. He acts like we owe him something. Dude owes us 2 shots at the cup now. 

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