@Oilers d'Edmonton

Agence libre des Oilers d’Edmonton : qui reste et qui part ?

Nous sommes le 26 juin et nous sommes officiellement en mode hors-saison dans la LNH après que les Panthers de la Floride ont vaincu les Oilers d’Edmonton lors du match 7 le 24 juin. Connor McDavid a remporté le trophée Conn Smythe, mais il a été révélé plus tard que lui et Leon Draisaitl étaient aux prises avec de graves blessures en séries éliminatoires. Vous savez donc qu’ils seront plus motivés que jamais pour faire un retour en 2024-25 et pour tenter de remporter leur première Coupe Stanley. Dans la vidéo d’aujourd’hui, je discuterai de la situation des agents libres des #oilers, de ceux qui sont susceptibles de quitter l’équipe, de ceux qui sont susceptibles d’être réengagés, et je discuterai également de l’espace sous le plafond salarial dont ils disposent et des options de rachat potentielles. #nhl Bracelets/bracelets de la Fondation Ben Stelter : https://benstelterfoundation.myshopify.com/ ICYMI : Discussion sur le match 7 – https://youtu.be/3QzzZYCPNoE Rappel amical : je diffuserai en DIRECT le repêchage de la LNH le vendredi 28 juin ! Si vous ne voulez manquer aucune mise à jour, annonce ou vidéo, assurez-vous de vous abonner à ma chaîne et de suivre mes réseaux sociaux ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/AHockey1993 Bluesky : https://bsky.app/profile/austinhockey.bsky.social TikTok : https://tiktok.com/@AHockey1993 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ahockey1993/ TwitchTV : https://www.twitch.tv/austinhockeytv Si vous avez aimé le stream d’aujourd’hui, assurez-vous de cliquer sur « J’aime » et si vous l’avez vraiment aimé, assurez-vous de vous « Abonnez-vous » pendant que nous continuons à créer la meilleure chaîne YouTube de hockey en 2024


  1. Somehow forgot to add Ryan McLeod in the depth chart. He's slated to make $2.1 Million this season, likely in a 3rd line role. My bad!

  2. Mcdavid can have the Cup or Nurse, not both. So, what is McDavid choice? It is a very easy choice.

  3. Get ride of Nurse. A -9 worst in the playoff, playing a 5-6 D minutes. He provides no defense, don’t move the puck, no physicality, not a leader on the ice, with a 9.25M salary which is 2nd highest on the team, playing like a 1.5M defenseman. He makes all his partners worst. His salary can pay Janmark, Brown, Henrique, the whole 3rd line next year. He is the problem of the team. Jackson must send him packing asap to get cap space for these UFAs.

  4. Hey buddy I'm just about to shave the beard too!! what a wild ride the playoffs were. Enriched my spring season. I'm so relieved the season is over. I can finally sleep!!! Let's get it next year baby!!!!

  5. Seeing the kings move pld without retaining cap makes me feel like moving nurse is more realistic than we think. I just don’t know if they wanna move him since he’s so well liked

  6. I can understand Nurse doesn’t want to leave possibly winning the cup next year. But his play is a 5-6 D on the team at 9.25M. I don’t the Oilers want him back here. It has to be both ways to keep Nurse on the team.

  7. I keep hearing that Nurse needs a stay at home defenceman as a partner. I also hear a lot he needs a puck moving partner. Who would you target? What do the analytics say?

  8. Game 7 was the second most viewed NHL game in last 20 years. Outdrew every NBA Finals and World Series game in last 5 years. 16.3 Million viewers

  9. It’s hard to think but after next year Leon might be gone and the team could look a lot different. Maybe they will have room to improve on goaltending

  10. You guys need to understand that Nurse is an almost immovable object in a trade. For every reason you want him gone are the same reasons you can’t trade him lol. It’s so easy to just simply say trade Nurse and you get that cap space. Not happening.

  11. Nurse typically looks bad when he has to babysit Ceci. Wonder when guys like Gleason, Bourgault, Lavoie and Kemp can play? Also would like Kostin back.

  12. My buddy trained raph in Halifax and he’s an interesting French cat I guess. Might not mesh with this super close group. But I’m sure if he’s ready and good it will work out

  13. Kane, perry, nurse & ceci is my wishlist of moving on from. A bonus would be cambell too but doubt he's getting moved in his current situation.

  14. I think they'll keep kane if he can have surgery like Conner they are both great players healthy if they can keep Brown and Henriqe and janmark And Vinny even Mcloud with Ryan should be good shape I new Draisaitl was hurt broken rib and finger he showed it the pain in his face missing his one timers and Conner hurt maybe surgery kane started out playoffs great g got the Gordy Howe hat trick against LA kings but just like Driaiaitl who maybe should have sat with those injury s he hurt them with lots of bad passes you could see it from game 6 and then 7 but they will be a cup contender this new season

  15. My god ceci and kulak are painful to watch… kulak alone loves to give those turn overs at the top of the circles resulting in goals.. he makes skinners job alot harder than it needs to be.

  16. Brownmark has to stay after this SCF. There's no way either of them are ending up on a different team this upcoming year. As for Perry, I'm calling he becomes an analyst for one of the major networks.

  17. They should keep janmark, henrique and brown. Sign broberg, trade ceci,nurse, kane and maybe kulak to improve defense and wing depth and were good

  18. Drisaitl should be traded, he did nothing in the finals. What good are you if you can't produce in the finals when it matters? He's going to get 11 million and Micdavid will be 15 million almost for sure. You can't have that kind of money tied up on a guy that doesn't produce, trade him and get something like 2 solid 5 million dollar guys. Nurse for 9.25 is like highway robbery but you're stuck with him for a long time.

  19. Henrique’s press conference was very interesting. He seemed to heavily suggest that money is not going to be a big decider in his next deal. Hopefully this means Edmonton is able to keep him on a team friendly deal.

  20. Bettman 31 Canada ZERO. He has been preventing Canada from winning since 94. NOT a "conspiracy" . No one can convince me that in 31 years no Canadian team was "good enough to win" and more suspiciously no 2 Canadian teams were good enough to meet in the finals. The first thing he did was prevent Vancouver from winning in 94 (after he moved the NHL head office from Toronto to New York). He has been doing it ever since – allowing a team to periodically go to the finals and even game 7 but always prevents the Canadian team from winning. He does this with the "help" of the referees who are told to call extra penalties against Canada and less against the other team. In game 7 of this year within 3 minutes of the start a bogus call against the Oilers which gave Florida a goal. If the Oilers would have scored more there would have been more penalties called against them and fewer against Florida. People saying the Oilers were not "aggressive enough" are wrong because if they were the refs would have called even more penalties against them. A no win situation. He is all about helping the American teams thrive and will do everything to ensure the cup stays in America. He is salivating at the eventual move of McDavid, Draisaitl, Matthews and others to US teams because they will know they can never win a cup playing for a Canadian team. Now that he has promised the owner in Phoenix that they will have another team it should work out that at least one of those players I mentioned will end up signing there which would instantly help that Phoenix team. So corrupt. He hates the Canadian teams but loves their money and stretching out the series to game 7 brought him millions more. It is especially sad that the two most expensive season tickets are in Edmonton and Toronto but neither of which will ever win again. Edmonton is lucky that he took over in 94 instead of 84 because if he did the Oilers would never have won even 1 cup. "Captain America" – Gary Bettman.

  21. Everyone saying how useless Drai is. How about Nugent Hopkins. He is way to soft and kills the powerplay when he is on it. Dude is a bust as a 1st overall pick and nobody wants to admit it.

  22. So want to keep the third line. MJ@1.25, AH@3, CB@2 for 6.25. Mabey 7.5 total is more realistic to 5 it done. Maybe doable if they are willing to give some value back. Team has the hammer in Holloway and Broberg. 1.25 for 2 yr each. Total is 10. Buyout of Soupy is sad but team needs some flexibility to fill out 4th line. Possible Ceci replacements include Matt Roy, Alex Carrier, Josh Brown or Brett Pesce.

  23. Thanks for the discussion, Austin. It's always enriching to hear your knowledge on everything Oilers related. Cheers from Saskatoon!

  24. I would sign. Broberg/Hollywood/Janitor/Brown/Hyman/Pickard/Skinner/RNH and awe if Kane geta 100% healthy and wants to stay short term. Henrique also. The other obvious big name if they can swing it $$ pending. Ide unload a couple contracts and eat the fkn $ not naming names. Oh ya keep Bouchard too.

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