@Red Wings de Détroit

Kris Draper, repêchage de la LNH 2024, jour 2 | 29 juin 2024

Kris Draper, directeur général adjoint des Red Wings et directeur du dépistage amateur, s’entretient avec les médias à la suite du repêchage 2024 de la LNH à Sphere, Las Vegas.


  1. Yo i have you on playstation i havent played in god knows how long but hey if youre up for it im down to play some 🙂 🍭💝

  2. Engaging with fellow thinkers in this thread feels like nourishing my intellect and soul simultaneously.🧡

  3. I'm continually impressed by the courage and conviction with which women express themselves here. It's a reminder of the importance of speaking up and being heard.💝

  4. Charlie Forslund could be a steal???

    Sounds like the Pavel Datszuk story all over again

    Under the radar guy, randomly scouted

  5. No wonder if the Detroit Red Wings still suck they have this Jack wagon as a part of their front office

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